Unknown #32
Unknown # 32

A perennial South African clumping grass naturalized in southern California. The spikelets are produced in panicles on capillary pedicels, each spikelet containing two florets.

Originally, I keyed this grass out under a pair of hairy, awned glumes containing a single floret. Although it keys out to the correct species in the Jepson Manual, this terminology is incorrect. The two glume-like structures covered with red hairs are actually the 2nd glume and a sterile (staminate) lemma. The 1st glume is a minute structure at the base of the spikelet also covered by red hairs. Since there is an upper, fertile floret, this grass technically has two florets (one bisexual and one staminate). Under a dissecting microscope, if you apply pressure to an individual spikelet, the upper, fertile floret will pop out.

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