Unknown #45
Unknown # 45

Flowering branch showing the inflorescence and leafy stem. This showy, fragrant, California annual is often included in wildflower seed mixes.
    Key Traits Necessary To Identify This Species:

  1. Leaves produced on stems, not in basal rosettes.
  2. Leaf arrangement alternate, not opposite.
  3. Leaf blades deeply lobed (pinnatifid), not truly pinnate.
  4. Leaves and calyx lobes not bristle-tipped.
  5. Leaves and stem pubescent, but not cobwebby pubescent.
  6. Segments (lobes) of pinnatifid leaves are clearly linear.
  7. Calyx with membrane between the lobes (membranes purple).
  8. Flowers in small clusters (cymes), not in spiny-bracted heads.
  9. Sepals fused to middle; pollen clearly blue, not yellow.
  10. Corolla funnel-shaped, with yellow tube and purple throat.
  11. Corolla at least 15 mm in length, well exerted from calyx.
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