Biology Exam #5 Hints
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Hints For Biology 101 Exam #5

Ecology & Population Growth

For answers to many of the questions please refer to the Reading List for Exam #5.
Also try the Wayne's Word Index & Search.   For answers to most of the questions
on this exam, refer to the following Wayne's Word articles: Ecological Principles #1,
Ecological Principles #2, Plant Adaptations, Fire Ecology: Adaptations To Fire, The
Rustyleaf Fig & Its Wasp, The Yucca & Yucca Moth, Ecological Adaptation Photos,
Biomes of North America, and The Growth Of Populations.

Part I, Matching Questions 1 - 26:

Topics On Exam:

  1.   Ecosystem, Biome, Life Zones
  2.   Food Chains & Food Webs   
  3.   Trophic Levels & Consumers   
  4.   Symbiosis: Living Together   
  5.   Examples Of Mutualism   
  6.   Parasitism & Commensalism   
  7.   Organically Grown & Natural Food 
  8.   Biological Magnification
  9.   Biological Control
 10.  Native (Indigenous)
 11.  Naturalized Weeds
 12.  Endemic Plants

Topics On Exam:

 13.  Laws Of Thermodynamics
 14.  Energy & ATP Production
 15.  Pyramids Of Energy & Mass
 16.  Plant Succession
 17.  Food Productivity Of Ocean
 18.  Food Productivity Of Land
 19.  Adaptations Links
 20.  Some Definitions
        A.  Plant Adaptations
        B.  Animal Adaptations
 21.  Major Biomes of N. America
 22.  Photographs Of Adaptations

Part 2, Matching Questions 27 - 52:

Topics On Exam:

  1.   Ecosystem, Biome, Life Zones
  2.   Food Chains & Food Webs   
  3.   Trophic Levels & Consumers   
  4.   Symbiosis: Living Together   
  5.   Examples Of Mutualism   
  6.   Parasitism & Commensalism   
  7.   Organically Grown & Natural Food 
  8.   Biological Magnification
  9.   Biological Control
 10.  Native (Indigenous)
 11.  Naturalized Weeds
 12.  Endemic Plants

Topics On Exam:

 13.  Laws Of Thermodynamics
 14.  Energy & ATP Production
 15.  Pyramids Of Energy & Mass
 16.  Plant Succession
 17.  Food Productivity Of Ocean
 18.  Food Productivity Of Land
 19.  Adaptations Links
 20.  Some Definitions
        A.  Plant Adaptations
        B.  Animal Adaptations
 21.  Major Biomes of N. America
 22.  Photographs Of Adaptations

Part 3, Matching Questions 53 - 78:

Topics On Exam:

  1.   Ecosystem, Biome, Life Zones
  2.   Food Chains & Food Webs   
  3.   Trophic Levels & Consumers   
  4.   Symbiosis: Living Together   
  5.   Examples Of Mutualism   
  6.   Parasitism & Commensalism   
  7.   Organically Grown & Natural Food 
  8.   Biological Magnification
  9.   Biological Control
 10.  Native (Indigenous)
 11.  Naturalized Weeds
 12.  Endemic Plants

Topics On Exam:

 13.  Laws Of Thermodynamics
 14.  Energy & ATP Production
 15.  Pyramids Of Energy & Mass
 16.  Plant Succession
 17.  Food Productivity Of Ocean
 18.  Food Productivity Of Land
 19.  Adaptations Links
 20.  Some Definitions
        A.  Plant Adaptations
        B.  Animal Adaptations
 21.  Major Biomes of N. America
 22.  Photographs Of Adaptations

Part 4, Multiple Choice Questions 79 - 87.

Topics On Exam:

 1.   The Exponential Population Growth Equation
 2.   Population Growth As Geometric Progression
 3.   Population Growth Based On Annual Increase
 4.   Logistic Growth Including Carrying Capacity

Part 5, Multiple Choice Questions 88 - 105.

88. A population increases from 25,000 to 26,000 during a period of one year. Take the difference between the starting number of 25,000 and the final number of 26,000 and divide by the starting number of 25,000. In other words, divide 1,000 by 25,000 = 0.04. Multiply this number by 100 to make it a percent. This is the annual percent increase for the population.

Percent Increase & Decrease In JavaScript

89. A population increases from 25,000 to 75,000 during an 18 year period. Take the difference between the starting number of 25,000 and the final number of 75,000 and divide by the starting number of 25,000. Convert this decimal value into a percent. This is the percent increase of the population during an 18 year interval.

Percent Increase & Decrease In JavaScript

90. Subtract Kenya's death rate per 1,000 (12) from Kenya's birth rate per 1,000 (52). Divide this difference of 40 by 1000. Multiply your answer by 100 to convert this decimal value into a percent.

91. To find the doubling time, divide 0.695 by the annual growth rate of Kenya (previous question). Use the decimal value for growth rate. See the following JavaScript link:

Determining Doubling Time Of A Population

92. To find the doubling time of your money, divide 0.695 by the annual growth rate of 10 percent or .10. [Use the decimal value for growth rate.] See the following JavaScript link:

Determining Doubling Time Of A Population

93. Use the exponential population growth equation for this question: N = No ert

No = 1.0;   r = 10 percent or 0.10;   t = 30 years;   e = approx. 2.71828
The Exponential Population Growth Equation

94. Use the exponential population growth equation for this question: N = No ert

No = 1.0;   r = 3 percent or 0.03;   t = 100 years;   e = approx. 2.71828
The Exponential Population Growth Equation

Your number increase is approximately 1 to 20 during the 100 year period. Take the difference between the starting number of 1.0 and the final number of 20 and divide by the starting number of 1.0. In other words, divide 19 by 1.0 and convert this number into a percent.

95. Use the exponential population growth equation for this question: N = No ert

No = 1.0;   r = 1 percent or 0.01;   t = 100 years;   e = approx. 2.71828
The Exponential Population Growth Equation

Your number increase is approximately 1 to 3 during the 100 year period. Take the difference between the starting number of 1.0 and the final number of 3 and divide by the starting number of 1.0. In other words, divide 2 by 1.0 and multiply by 100 to make the number a percent.

96. To find the doubling time, divide 0.695 by the annual growth rate of 2 percent or .02. [Use the decimal value for growth rate.]

Determining Doubling Time Of A Population

97. Use the exponential population growth equation for this question: N = No ert

No = 5,000,000,000;   r = 2 percent or 0.02;   t = 112 years;   e = 2.71828
The Exponential Population Growth Equation

98. It really helps if you have a math calculator with logarithmic functions for this question. Here is how you set it up:

40 billion = 5 billion e0.02 (t)      8 billion = e0.02 (t)

0.02 (t) = ln 8      ln 8 = natural log of 8 = 2.07944

t = ln 8 divided by 0.02 = 103.9 or approx. 104 years

99. Because wolffia populations increase so rapidly, use days rather than years. To find the growth rate in days, divide 0.695 by the doubling time in days (1.25). Use the decimal value for doubling time.

Determining The Growth Rate Of A Population

100. Use exponential population growth equation for this question: N = No ert

No = 1.0;   r = 56 percent or 0.56;   t = 125 days;   e = 2.71828
The Exponential Population Growth Equation

101. Use population growth as a geometric progression for this question:

2 people    20 yrs    6 people    20 yrs    18 people    20 yrs    54

Starting with 2 people (one heterosexual couple), in 20 years they give rise to 6 people. In other words, the original female has 6 offspring (3 boys and 3 girls). Of the resulting 6 people, 3 of them are girls. In the next 20 year interval, each of the 3 girls has 6 offspring resulting in 3 x 6 = 18 people. Of the resulting 18 people, 9 of them are girls. In the next 20 year intervel, each of the 9 girls has 6 offspring resulting in 9 x 6 = 54 people. After a total of three generations (60 years), the total number of people is 2 + 6 + 18 = 54 = 80.

Population Growth As Geometric Progression

102. Use population growth as a geometric progression for this question:

2 people     30 yrs     6 people     30 yrs     18 people

Starting with 2 people (one heterosexual couple), in 30 years they give rise to 6 people. In other words, the original female has 6 offspring (3 boys and 3 girls). Of the resulting 6 people, 3 of them are girls. In the next 30 year intervel, each of the 3 girls has 6 offspring resulting in 3 x 6 = 18 people. After a total of two generations (60 years), the total number of people is 2 + 6 + 18 = 26.

Population Growth As Geometric Progression

103. In this question, population growth as a simple geometric progression does not work because we are including the children of the daughters and sons in the total descendants of Jack and Jill. [Of course, the sons have spouses who actually bear the children.] In the previous examples of simple geometric progressions, we only considered the offspring of females in the calculations.

Jack & Jill  20 yrs  2 children  20 yrs  4 grandchildren  20 yrs  8 great grandchildren

Starting with Jack & Jill (one heterosexual couple), in 20 years they give rise to 2 children. In other words, Jill has two offspring (1 boy and 1 girl). During the next 20 years, their son and daughter marry and each has two offspring resulting in four grandchildren (2 boys and 2 girls). During the next 20 years, their four grandchildren marry and each has two children resulting in eight great grandchildren. After a total of three generations (60 years), the total number of descendents is 2 + 4 + 8 = 14.

In the following example, the generation time is increased to 30 years, so that there are only two generations possible during a 60 year interval.

Jack & Jill    30 yrs    2 children    30 yrs    4 grandchildren

Starting with Jack & Jill (one heterosexual couple), in 30 years they give rise to 2 children. In other words, Jill has two offspring (1 boy and 1 girl). During the next 30 years, their son and daughter marry and each has two offspring resulting in four grandchildren (2 boys and 2 girls). After a total of two generations (60 years), the total number of descendents is 2 + 4 = 6.

104. By increasing the generation interval from 20 years to 30 years in the previous question, the total number of descendants decreases from 14 to 6. To calculate the percent decrease, subtract 6 from 14 and divide this number by the starting number of 14. In other words, 8 divided by 14 = 0.571. Multiply by 100 to convert this number into a percent = 57.1 percent or rounded off = 57 percent. Increasing the generation interval from 20 years to 30 years reduces the total number of descendants by 57 percent!

105. After working on this exam for 50 minutes, the world population has increased by 9,000 people. What is the annual percentage growth rate at this time? See the following link to answer this question:

Land Agriculture To Sustain Population Growth

 1.   The Exponential Population Growth Equation
 2.   Population Growth As Geometric Progression
 3.   Population Growth Based On Annual Increase
 4.   Logistic Growth Including Carrying Capacity
 5.   Population Growth Vs. Compound Interest
 6.   Determining Doubling Time Of A Population
 7.   Determining The Growth Rate Of A Population
 8.   Land Agriculture To Sustain Population Growth
 9.   Thinking Questions About Population Growth

Part 6, Multiple Choice Questions 106 - 117.

Topics On Exam:

 1.   Plant Succession  

Part 7, Multiple Choice Questions 118 - 144:

118. During aerobic respiration inside the mitochondria of cells, a total of 38 molecules of ATP are produced for each molecule of glucose. [Note: This number of 38 also includes glycolysis outside the mitochindria.]

123. This carrying capacity is based of 0.25 acre of land per person per year and 10 billion acres of tillable land. Simply divide 10 billion by 0.25.

124. When will the world human population reach 40 billion?

Land Agriculture To Sustain Population Growth

127. A food chain decreases from 10,000 pounds of grass to 1500 pounds of grasshoppers. Take the difference between the starting number of 10,000 and the final number of 1500 and divide by the starting number of 10,000. Convert this decimal value into a percent. This is the percent decrease.

Percent Increase & Decrease In JavaScript

128. A geometric progression is a simplified way to show exponential population growth. Starting with one couple, assume that every female has 8 children (4 boys and 4 girls). The following table compares the population growth in 7 generations. The original couple has 8 children, four of which are girls which give rise to 8 children (4 x 8 = 32). Sixteen of the 32 children are girls which give rise to 128 children (16 x 8), etc. This is an exponential increase in which the population quadruples each generation. For example, the 7th generation is exactly four times larger than the sixth generation, and the 6th generation is exactly four times larger than the fifth generation, etc.


Population Growth As Geometric Progression

133. The efficiency of alcoholic fermentation. Since two molecules of ATP are produced for every molecule of glucose, a simple percent decrease can be used to show the percent efficiency of alcoholic fermentation. 686 kcal in a mole of glucose decreases to 16 kcal in two moles of ATP. Take the difference between the starting number of 686 and the final number of 16 and divide by the starting number of 686. 670 divided by the starting number of 686 = 0.98 or 98 percent. Therefore, the efficiency of alcoholic fermentation relative to energy in glucose and ATP is about 2 percent.

Energy and ATP Production
Percent Decrease In JavaScript

134. The larva of the Mexican jumping bean moth is a seed predator of the Mexican jumping bean shrub. The Mexican jumping bean shrub does not benefit from the jumping bean adult moth or its larval stage. All the other examples in the question are genuinely mutualistic in which both symbionts benefit from the relationship.

Plant & Animal Adaptations Links

140 and 141. The following link about logistic population growth and carrying capacity explains these two questions.

Logistic Growth Including Carrying Capacity

142. The following link explains the answer to this question.

Energy & ATP Production

143. See the following link for an explanation of this question.

20 yrs
20 yrs
20 yrs

A Population That Quadruples Every Generation

Topics On Exam:

  1.   Ecosystem, Biome, Life Zones
  2.   Food Chains & Food Webs   
  3.   Trophic Levels & Consumers   
  4.   Symbiosis: Living Together   
  5.   Examples Of Mutualism   
  6.   Parasitism & Commensalism   
  7.   Organically Grown & Natural Food 
  8.   Biological Magnification
  9.   Biological Control
 10.  Native (Indigenous)
 11.  Naturalized Weeds
 12.  Endemic Plants

Topics On Exam:

 13.  Laws Of Thermodynamics
 14.  Energy & ATP Production
 15.  Pyramids Of Energy & Mass
 16.  Plant Succession
 17.  Food Productivity Of Ocean
 18.  Food Productivity Of Land
 19.  Adaptations Links
 20.  Some Definitions
        A.  Plant Adaptations
        B.  Animal Adaptations
 21.  Major Biomes of N. America
 22.  Photographs Of Adaptations

Part 8, Multiple Choice Questions 145 - 218:

156. See the following link for an explanation of this question.

Pyramids Of Energy, Mass and Numbers

158. To find the doubling time, divide 0.695 by the annual growth rate of the world during the 1980s. Use the decimal value for growth rate. See the following JavaScript link:

Determining Doubling Time Of A Population

160. See the following link for an explanation of this question.

Energy, Aerobic Respiration & ATP Production

162. You can use a simple proportion to solve this problem. If aerobic respiration produces 38 molecules of ATP with an efficiency of 44 percent, how many molecules of ATP would be produced with an efficiency of 100 percent? 38 molecules are to 44 percent as X molecules are to 100 percent. X = 38 x 100 divided by 44 = 86.

Energy, Aerobic Respiration & ATP Production

163. To find the annual growth rate, divide 0.695 by the doubling time of 10 years. Use the decimal value for doubling time. Multiply the decimal value for growth rate by 100 to obtain a percent.

Determining The Growth Rate Of A Population

166. To find the answer to question #166, please see the following link:

Geometric Progressions & Astronomical Numbers Of Animals

176. The numerical values in this question are twenty times greater than the example shown at the following link.

Pyramids Of Energy, Mass and Numbers

178. The answer for this question is explained at the following link.

Pyramids Of Energy, Mass and Numbers

179, 180 and 181. The answers for these three questions are explained at the following link.

Food Productivity Of The World's Oceans

185. The enrollment increased from 5,000 to 30,000 during a 30 year period. Take the difference between the starting number of 5,000 and the final number of 30,000 and divide by the starting number of 5,000. Convert this decimal value into a percent. This is the percent increase in the enrollment at Palomar College between 1972 and 2002.

Percent Increase & Decrease In JavaScript

191. The answer for this question is explained at the following link.

Logistic Growth Including Carrying Capacity

195. Subtract the death rate per 1,000 (12) from the birth rate per 1,000 (15). Divide this difference of 3 by 1000. Multiply your answer by 100 to convert this decimal value into a percent.

196. Use exponential population growth equation for this question: N = No ert

No = 1000;   r = 0.3 percent or 0.003;   t = 1000 years;   e = approx. 2.71828
The Exponential Population Growth Equation

198. To find the doubling time, divide 0.695 by the annual growth rate of the U.S. population. Use the decimal value for growth rate. See the following JavaScript link:

Determining Doubling Time Of A Population

203 - 209 The answer for these questions are explained at the following link.

Ecosystems, Biomes and Life Zones

212. Starting with the original heterosexual couple of 2, only the female bears offspring that comprise the next generation.

216 The answer for this question is explained at the following link.

Food Productivity Of The World's Land

217 The answer for this question is explained at the following link.

Pyramids Of Energy, Mass and Numbers

Topics On Exam:

  1.   Ecosystem, Biome, Life Zones
  2.   Food Chains & Food Webs   
  3.   Trophic Levels & Consumers   
  4.   Symbiosis: Living Together   
  5.   Examples Of Mutualism   
  6.   Parasitism & Commensalism   
  7.   Organically Grown & Natural Food 
  8.   Biological Magnification
  9.   Biological Control
 10.  Native (Indigenous)
 11.  Naturalized Weeds
 12.  Endemic Plants

Topics On Exam:

 13.  Laws Of Thermodynamics
 14.  Energy & ATP Production
 15.  Pyramids Of Energy & Mass
 16.  Plant Succession
 17.  Food Productivity Of Ocean
 18.  Food Productivity Of Land
 19.  Adaptations Links
 20.  Some Definitions
        A.  Plant Adaptations
        B.  Animal Adaptations
 21.  Major Biomes of N. America
 22.  Photographs Of Adaptations

Part 9, Multiple Choice Questions 219 - 224.

219 - 224. The answers for these questions can be found at the following link:

Trophic Levels, Food Chains and Food Webs

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