Botany 110 Grades
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 Final Grades: Botany 110  Spring 2003  W.P. Armstrong

    Pecentages As Of 21 May 2003 Including Field Trips
       [See The Spreadsheet Continuation Below]

                                BOTANY 110 SPRING 2003  W. P. ARMSTRONG, INSTRUCTOR
       TOTL    % of         % of         UNK   UNK   UKN   UNK   UNK   UNK   UNK   UNK   UNK   UNK   UNK   UNK   UNK   UNK   UNK   UNK
ID #    PTS    TOTL    GR   HIGH   GR     #1    #2    #3    #4    #5    #6    #7    #8    #9   #10   #11   #12   #13   #14   #15   #16
         **     PTS    **   STUD   **     75   125   100   125   125   100   125   100   100   100   100   100   100   100   100   100
       1950                               75   125   100   125   125   100   125   100   100   100   100   100   100   100    75
 2749  1945   99.7%   A    99.7%   A      75   125   100   125   125   100   120   100   100   100   100   100   100   100    75
 8246  1775   91.0%   A    91.0%   B      75   125   100   125   125   100   125   100         100   100         100   100    75
 1935  1920   98.5%   A    98.5%   A      75   125   100   125   115    75   125   100    90   100   100    90   100   100    75
 1922  1890   96.9%   A    96.9%   A      75   125   100   125   115    75   120   100    90   100   100    90   100   100    75
Student Dropped
 9756  2025  103.8%   A   103.8%   A      75   125   100   125   125   100   125   100   100   100   100   100   100   100    75
 7806  1560   80.0%   B    80.0%   C      70   120   100   125   110    20   110   100   100   100   100   100    90   100    75
 9672  1775   91.0%   A    91.0%   B      75   125   100   125   125         125   100   100   100   100   100   100          75
 4512   410   21.0%   F    21.0%   F      70   125               125                90
  577     0    0.0%   F     0.0%   F
 6441  1770   90.8%   A    90.8%   B      75   125   100   125    20   100   125    90    95   100    75    90   100   100    75
 6963  1980  101.5%   A   101.5%   A      75   120   100   125   110   100   125   100   100   100   100   100   100   100    75
 6887     0    0.0%   F     0.0%   F
 8508  1450   74.4%   C    74.4%   C      70         100   120   110         120    90    90         100    70         100    75
 2352   280   14.4%   F    14.4%   F      70   125          85
  371  1565   80.3%   B    80.3%   C      75   125         125   120         125    85    80         100   100   100   100    75
 9062  1617   82.9%   B    82.9%   C      70         100   100    95         120   100    90   100   100    70   100   100    75
  428  1860   95.4%   A    95.4%   A      75         100   125   125   100   125   100    95   100   100    90   100   100    75
 7222  1925   98.7%   A    98.7%   A      75   125   100   125   125   100   125   100   100         100   100   100   100    75
Student Dropped
Student Dropped
 8053  1005   51.5%   F    51.5%   D      70   125               125    75   125    70    80          70    90    85    90
 3136  1757   90.1%   A    90.1%   B      75   115   100   105   120    60   120    80   100   100   100    90   100   100    65
 6517  1950  100.0%   A   100.0%   A      75   125   100   125   125   100   125   100   100   100   100   100   100   100    75
 8617  1340   68.7%   D    68.7%   C      75   125         125   125         120    85    80               100   100   100
 1136  1614   82.8%   B    82.8%   C           120   100    85    70   100   105    70   100    55   100   100   100   100    75
 1988  1717   88.1%   B    88.1%   B      75   125   100   105   120    60   120    80   100   100   100    90   100   100    65
 2438  1800   92.3%   A    92.3%   B      75   125   100   105   125    60   120    80   100   100   100    90   100   100    65
 4902     0    0.0%   F     0.0%   F
 4105  1883   96.6%   A    96.6%   A      75   125   100   125   125   100   125   100   100   100   100    90   100   100    75
 3474  1582   81.1%   B    81.1%   C           120   100   100    70   100   125    70   100    55   100   100   100    90    75
 4373     0    0.0%   F     0.0%   F
       TOTAL NUMBER OF STUDENTS: 29      Highest Total Points With Extra Credit:  2025
             THE HIGHEST TOTAL POINTS:  1950  [Excluding Extra Credit]
            THE TOTAL POINTS POSSIBLE:  1950
      MEAN AVERAGE POINTS:1262.3      1262.3
                      BASED ON THE HIGHEST STUDENT:                        BASED ON THE TOTAL POSSIBLE POINTS:
           TOTAL # OF A's:     9    PERCENT A's:   31.0%         TOTAL # OF A's:    14          PERCENT A's:   48.3%
           TOTAL # OF B's:     6    PERCENT B's:   20.7%         TOTAL # OF B's:     6          PERCENT B's:   20.7%
           TOTAL # OF C's:     7    PERCENT C's:   24.1%         TOTAL # OF C's:     1          PERCENT C's:    3.4%
           TOTAL # OF D's:     1    PERCENT D's:    3.4%         TOTAL # OF D's:     1          PERCENT D's:    3.4%
           TOTAL # OF D's:     6    PERCENT F's:   20.7%         TOTAL # OF F's:     7          PERCENT F's:   24.1%
              GRADE SCALE--HIGH STUD:   0.0% 49.5% 64.5% 84.5% 94.5%
                                           F     D     C     B     A
              GRADE SCALE--TOTAL PTS:   0.0% 60.0% 70.0% 80.0% 90.0%
                                           F     D     C     B     A

 Botany 110  Spring 2003  W.P.Armstrong

        Spreadsheet Continuation

              BOTANY 110  SPRING 2003 [CONTINUED]
   175   300   138    150    150    100    125    50    50     25    125     2688   CREDIT
                      150    150    100
                      150    100    100     50          50            50     1895    97.2%   2749
                      150    125    100     50          50            50     1725    88.5%   8246
                      150    125    100     50          50            50     1870    95.9%   1935
                      150    100    100     50          50            50     1840    94.4%   1922
                      150    150    100     75          50     25     75     1950   100.0%   9756
                             100     40      0                         0     1560    80.0%   7806
                      150    100    100     75          50     25     75     1700    87.2%   9672
                                             0                         0      410    21.0%   4512
                                             0                         0        0     0.0%    577
                      150     75    100     50          50            50     1720    88.2%   6441
                      150    150    100     50          50            50     1930    99.0%   6963
                                             0                         0        0     0.0%   6887
                      130    125    100     50          50            50     1400    71.8%   8508
                                             0                         0      280    14.4%   2352
                      130     75    100     50          50            50     1515    77.7%    371
                      122    125    100     50          50            50     1567    80.4%   9062
                      150    150    100     50          50            50     1810    92.8%    428
                      150    150    100     75    25    50            75     1850    94.9%   7222
                                             0                         0     1005    51.5%   8053
                      102     75    100     50          50            50     1707    87.5%   3136
                      150    100    100     50          50            50     1900    97.4%   6517
                      130     75    100      0                         0     1340    68.7%   8617
                      134    150      0     50          50            50     1564    80.2%   1136
                      102     25    100     50          50            50     1667    85.5%   1988
                      130     75    100     50          50            50     1750    89.7%   2438
                                             0                         0        0     0.0%   4902
                      118     75    100     50          50            50     1833    94.0%   4105
                      102    125      0     50          50            50     1532    78.6%   3474
                                             0                         0        0     0.0%   4373

A Note To My Students: This course utilizes two grade scales, the traditional grade scale based on percentages of the total points, and a grade scale based on percentages of the highest student. It is NOT based on a curve where there must be a given number of A's, B's, C's, D's and F's. The left percentage for each student reflects the traditional grade scale, while the right percentage reflects the grade scale based on the highest student. You will receive the higher of the two grade scales for your final grade in the course. Grade scales based on the highest student are often used in difficult courses where students seldom come close to the maximum possible points, and the traditional grade scale is much too stringent with few or no A's. In Biology 100, the grade scale based on the highest student generally has more A's, B's and C's than the traditional grade scale. Since some students still do better with the traditional grade scale, I utilize both grade scales in my courses. WPA
Occasionally I assign extra credit points for keying out unknowns, mounting plant specimems and field trips. These assignments do not count against anyone if they are not completed. They are truly extra credit points. For percentages based on the total points, the total possible points (excluding extra credit) is divided into individual totals for each student. For percentages based on the highest student, the total points acheived by the top student (excluding extra credit) is divided into individual totals for each student. If the highest student also does the extra credit assignments, his/her percentage may be over 100. Again, the grade scale is based on the total possible points or the total points of the highest student excluding extra credit, so students are not penalized if they don't submit the extra credit assignments. WPA

# of Letter Grades
# of A's # of B's # of C's # of D's # of F's
% of Highest Student
% of Total Points

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