Botany 110 Grades
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                                BOTANY 110 SPRING 2004  W. P. ARMSTRONG, INSTRUCTOR
       TOTL    % of         % of         UNK   UNK   UKN   UNK   UNK   UNK   UNK   UNK   UNK   UNK   UNK   UNK   UNK   UNK   UNK   UNK
ID #    PTS    TOTL    GR   HIGH   GR     #1    #2    #3    #4    #5    #6    #7    #8    #9   #10   #11   #12   #13   #14   #15   #16
         **     PTS    **   STUD   **     25    75    75    75   125   100   150    75   100   100    50   150    50   100   100   100
       1700                               25    75    75    75   125   100   150    75   100   100    50   150    50
 5317  1473   86.6%   B    87.8%   B      25    65    75    75   125   100   150    75   100   100    50   150    50
 8011    25    1.5%   F     1.5%   F      25
 2428  1439   84.6%   B    85.8%   B      25    75    75    75   115         150    75   100   100    50   150    50
 4082   845   49.7%   F    50.4%   D      25    75    75                     150    75   100    95    50   150
 6325  1488   87.5%   B    88.7%   B      25          75    75   115   100   150    75   100   100    50   150    50
 7009    25    1.5%   F     1.5%   F      25
 7713     0    0.0%   F     0.0%   F
 6801  1585   93.2%   A    94.5%   A      25    75    75    75   125   100   150    75   100    95    50   150
 6567   175   10.3%   F    10.4%   F      25          75    75
  404     0    0.0%   F     0.0%   F
  702     0    0.0%   F     0.0%   F
 2961  1395   82.1%   B    83.2%   C      25    75          75   125         145    75    90   100    50   150    50
  403   380   22.4%   F    22.7%   F      25    75    75    65   115
 2974  1715  100.9%   A   102.3%   A      25    75    75    75   125   100   150    75   100   100    50   150    50
 8346  1089   64.1%   D    64.9%   C      25    70    60    60   115    20   145    75    90          45   150    50
 1970  1685   99.1%   A   100.5%   A      25    70    75    75   125   100   150    75   100   100    50   150    50
 7829  1487   87.5%   B    88.7%   B      25    70    75    75   125   100   150    75   100   100    50   150    50
 2917   175   10.3%   F    10.4%   F      25    75    75
 2293   873   51.4%   F    52.1%   D      25    65    75    75               145    65    90    90    45          50
 6689  1591   93.6%   A    94.9%   A      25    75    75    75   125   100   150         100   100    50   150    50
 3227  1752  103.1%   A   104.5%   A      25    75    75    75   125   100   150    75   100    95    50   150    50
 8912     0    0.0%   F     0.0%   F
 4240  1207   71.0%   C    72.0%   C      25          50    75   115   100   150    75   100    85    45   120    50
 1118  1465   86.2%   B    87.4%   B      25    75    75    75   115   100   150    75   100   100    50   150    50
 5055  1655   97.4%   A    98.7%   A      25    75          70   125   100   145    75   100   100    50   150    50
 5068  1403   82.5%   B    83.7%   C      25    75    50    75   115   100   150    75   100    80    45   125    50
 5158   550   32.4%   F    32.8%   F      25    75    75    75         100   150
 3332  1544   90.8%   A    92.1%   B      25    75    75    75   125   100   150    75   100   100    50   150    50
 5554   963   56.6%   F    57.4%   D      25    75    75    75         100   150         100    95    45   150
 9328  1621   95.4%   A    96.7%   A      25    75    75    75   120   100   150    75   100   100    50   145    50
 9282  1520   89.4%   A    90.6%   B      25    75    75    75   125   100   150    75   100          50   150    50
 4918  1543   90.8%   A    92.0%   B      25    75    75    75   125   100   150    75    50   100    50   150    50
TOTAL NUMBER OF STUDENTS:     32   Highest Points With Xtra Credit:   1752
THE HIGHEST TOTAL POINTS:   1677   [Excluding Extra Credit]
[Divided into individual totals to get % of highest student]
[Divided into individual totals to get % of total points]
THE MEAN AVERAGE POINTS:  1020.9   [Including Extra Credit]
                      BASED ON THE HIGHEST STUDENT:                        BASED ON THE TOTAL POSSIBLE POINTS:
           TOTAL # OF A's:     7    PERCENT A's:   21.9%         TOTAL # OF A's:     9          PERCENT A's:   28.1%
           TOTAL # OF B's:     8    PERCENT B's:   25.0%         TOTAL # OF B's:     8          PERCENT B's:   25.0%
           TOTAL # OF C's:     4    PERCENT C's:   12.5%         TOTAL # OF C's:     1          PERCENT C's:    3.1%
           TOTAL # OF D's:     3    PERCENT D's:    9.4%         TOTAL # OF D's:     1          PERCENT D's:    3.1%
           TOTAL # OF F's:    10    PERCENT F's:   31.3%         TOTAL # OF F's:    13          PERCENT F's:   40.6%
              GRADE SCALE--HIGH STUD:   0.0% 49.5% 64.5% 84.5% 94.5%
                                           F     D     C     B     A
              GRADE SCALE--TOTAL PTS:   0.0% 60.0% 70.0% 80.0% 90.0%
                                           F     D     C     B     A


              BOTANY 110  SPRING 2003 [CONTINUED]
   175   300   138    150    150    250    125    50    50     25    125     2613   CREDIT
                      150    150    250
                      130    125     48     30          30            30     1443    86.0%   5317
                               0             0                         0       25     1.5%   8011
                      150    150     24     75    25    50            75     1364    81.3%   2428
                              50             0                         0      845    50.4%   4082
                      150    150     48     75    25    50            75     1413    84.3%   6325
                               0             0                         0       25     1.5%   7009
                               0             0                         0        0     0.0%   7713
                      150    100    240      0                         0     1585    94.5%   6801
                               0             0                         0      175    10.4%   6567
                               0             0                         0        0     0.0%    404
                               0             0                         0        0     0.0%    702
                      146    125    120     44          44            44     1351    80.6%   2961
                              25             0                         0      380    22.7%    403
                      150    125    240     50          50            50     1665    99.3%   2974
                       84    100      0      0                         0     1089    64.9%   8346
                      150    100    240     50          50            50     1635    97.5%   1970
                      142    150      0     50          50            50     1437    85.7%   7829
                               0             0                         0      175    10.4%   2917
                       50     50     48      0                         0      873    52.1%   2293
                      150    150    216      0                         0     1591    94.9%   6689
                      142    150    240     75    25    50            75     1677   100.0%   3227
                               0             0                         0        0     0.0%   8912
                       59    100     48     10          10            10     1197    71.4%   4240
                      150    125      0     50          50            50     1415    84.4%   1118
                      150    150    240     50          50            50     1605    95.7%   5055
                      138    150      0     50          50            50     1353    80.7%   5068
                              50             0                         0      550    32.8%   5158
                      126    100    168      0                         0     1544    92.1%   3332
                              25     48      0                         0      963    57.4%   5554
                      138    125    168     50          50            50     1571    93.7%   9328
                      150    150    120     50          50            50     1470    87.7%   9282
                      150     75    168     50          50            50     1493    89.0%   4918


A Note To My Students: This course utilizes two grade scales, the traditional grade scale based on percentages of the total points, and a grade scale based on percentages of the highest student. It is NOT based on a curve where there must be a given number of A's, B's, C's, D's and F's. The left percentage for each student reflects the traditional grade scale, while the right percentage reflects the grade scale based on the highest student. You will receive the higher of the two grade scales for your final grade in the course. Grade scales based on the highest student are often used in difficult courses where students seldom come close to the maximum possible points, and the traditional grade scale is much too stringent with few or no A's. In Biology 100, the grade scale based on the highest student generally has more A's, B's and C's than the traditional grade scale. Since some students still do better with the traditional grade scale, I utilize both grade scales in my courses. WPA
Occasionally I assign extra credit points for keying out unknowns, mounting plant specimems and field trips. These assignments do not count against anyone if they are not completed. They are truly extra credit points. For percentages based on the total points, the total possible points (excluding extra credit) is divided into individual totals for each student. For percentages based on the highest student, the total points acheived by the top student (excluding extra credit) is divided into individual totals for each student. If the highest student also does the extra credit assignments, his/her percentage may be over 100. Again, the grade scale is based on the total possible points or the total points of the highest student excluding extra credit, so students are not penalized if they don't submit the extra credit assignments. WPA

# of Letter Grades
# of A's # of B's # of C's # of D's # of F's
% of Highest Student
% of Total Points

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