Botany 115 Grades
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Percentages For Exams #1, #2, #3, #4 & #5  18 Dec 2002 8:00 P.M.

   Final Deadline For All Exams Is Wed 18 Dec 2002 4:00 P.M.
  Botany 115 On-Line   Fall  2002  W.P. Armstrong, Instructor
       TOTL   % of       % of       EXAM  EXAM  EXAM  EXAM  EXAM
ID #    PTS   TOTL  GR   HIGH   GR   # 1    #2    #3    #4    #5
        928    PTS  **   STUD   **    96   200   216   232   184
 Pts:   928   ****       ****         96   200   216   232   184

#71502 ---------------------------------------------------------
 2044   820  88.4%  B   90.4%   B     76   179   180   223   162
 1115   882  95.0%  A   97.2%   A     90   180   204   224   184
 3591   794  85.6%  B   87.5%   B     82   181   157   229   145
 3036     0   0.0%  F    0.0%   F
 1739   751  80.9%  B   82.8%   C     82   155   151   220   143
 7693     0   0.0%  F    0.0%   F
 2710    76   8.2%  F    8.4%   F     76
 5194      Student Dropped
  734     0   0.0%  F    0.0%   F
           Student Dropped
 9900   868  93.5%  A   95.7%   A     92   179   204   226   167
 1796   841  90.6%  A   92.7%   B     84   160   206   219   172
 7224   857  92.3%  A   94.5%   B     82   180   195   231   169
 1449    53   5.7%  F    5.8%   F     53
 8851   770  83.0%  B   84.9%   B     75   158   162   206   169
 3266   887  95.6%  A   97.8%   A     85   185   206   227   184
 7927     0   0.0%  F    0.0%   F
 9650     0   0.0%  F    0.0%   F
 6030   772  83.2%  B   85.1%   B     21   170   172   225   184
 4270     0   0.0%  F    0.0%   F
 2307     0   0.0%  F    0.0%   F
 9085   197  21.2%  F   21.7%   F     66   131
 3321   731  78.8%  C   80.6%   C     71   160   129   204   167
#73346 ---------------------------------------------------------
 5130      Student Dropped
 8899      Student Dropped
 1830   572  61.6%  D   63.1%   D     76   142   159   195
  183      Student Dropped
 8045      Student Dropped
  568   812  87.5%  B   89.5%   B     72   176   192   224   148
 7889      Student Dropped
 5982   809  87.2%  B   89.2%   B     75   170   177   226   161
  514   783  84.4%  B   86.3%   B     81   170   183   220   129
  125   811  87.4%  B   89.4%   B     86   169   175   227   154
 6751    65   7.0%  F    7.2%   F     65
 8463   773  83.3%  B   85.2%   B     80   145   177   221   150
 2145   775  83.5%  B   85.4%   B     76   168   162   213   156
 3273   221  23.8%  F   24.4%   F     79   142
 3513   845  91.1%  A   93.2%   B     81   180   192   228   164
 9757      Student Dropped
  126      Student Dropped
  195      Student Dropped
 7665   828  89.2%  B   91.3%   B     82   175   181   223   167
 3384    65   7.0%  F    7.2%   F     65
 6910    77   8.3%  F    8.5%   F     77
   37      Student Dropped
 3403   826  89.0%  B   91.1%   B     81   173   190   224   158
  590   765  82.4%  B   84.3%   C     90   167   157   211   140
#74155 ---------------------------------------------------------
  856      Student Dropped
 8463      Student Dropped
 7894   779  83.9%  B   85.9%   B     71   159   171   216   162
 3592   845  91.1%  A   93.2%   B     75   176   199   225   170
 4113   907  97.7%  A  100.0%   A     91   192   232   212   180
 5279   295  31.8%  F   32.5%   F     80               215
 6280      Student Dropped
 4606     8   0.9%  F    0.9%   F      8
 8195   781  84.2%  B   86.1%   B     82   168   175   191   165
 8141      Student Dropped
 8137   874  94.2%  A   96.4%   A     87   183   200   229   175
 6101   836  90.1%  A   92.2%   B     79   168   184   224   181
  472   755  81.4%  B   83.2%   C     78   147   166   205   159
 7716      Student Dropped
 3244     0   0.0%  F    0.0%   F
 9656    91   9.8%  F   10.0%   F     58    33
 3068   820  88.4%  B   90.4%   B     85   182   177   203   173
 4423   662  71.3%  C   73.0%   C     77   149    69   222   145
 6075   805  86.7%  B   88.8%   B     79   163   178   220   165
 3570   836  90.1%  A   92.2%   B     81   181   177   227   170
 9002   732  78.9%  C   80.7%   C     68   152   150   216   146
 9767      Student Dropped
 9081     0   0.0%  F    0.0%   F
 9330    55   5.9%  F    6.1%   F     55
 6086     0   0.0%  F    0.0%   F
  299   762  82.1%  B   84.0%   C     71   169   171   207   144
  789     0   0.0%  F    0.0%   F
 6090     0   0.0%  F    0.0%   F
 3754   792  85.3%  B   87.3%   B     68   167   179   216   162






  # of A's:      5      % of A's:   8.5%      TOTAL # A's:    11
  # of B's:     23      % of B's:  39.0%      TOTAL # B's:    21
  # of C's:      7      % of C's:  11.9%      TOTAL # C's:     3
  # of D's:      1      % of D's:   1.7%      TOTAL # D's:     1
  # of F's:     23      % of F's:  39.0%      TOTAL # F's:    23

     Grade Scale Lookup Table:      0.0% 49.5% 64.5% 84.5% 94.5%
      [Based On Top Student]           F     D     C     B     A

     Grade Scale Lookup Table:      0.0% 60.0% 70.0% 80.0% 90.0%
      [Based On Total Points]          F     D     C     B     A

A Note To My Students: This course utilizes two grade scales, the traditional grade scale based on percentages of the total points, and a grade scale based on percentages of the highest student. It is NOT based on a curve where there must be a given number of A's, B's, C's, D's and F's. The left percentage for each student reflects the traditional grade scale, while the right percentage reflects the grade scale based on the highest student. You will receive the higher of the two grade scales for your final grade in the course. Grade scales based on the highest student are often used in difficult courses where students seldom come close to the maximum possible points, and the traditional grade scale is much too stringent with few or no A's. My grade scale based on the highest student generally has more C's. It also has more A's and B's if the total points of the highest student are considerably less than the total possible points; however, in Botany 115 on-line, students often come closer to the total possible points, and consequently there are more A's using the traditional grade scale. WPA

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