In Memory Of Ed Groschwitz
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In Memory Of My Dear Friend & Colleague Ed Groschwitz

Ed Groschwitz began his teaching career at Palomar College when he joined the Chemistry Department in 1967. Prior to Palomar College he was a TA in the Chemistry Department at San Diego State University. Ed was a wonderful teacher and brilliant chemist. With his passion and great knowledge of the subject, he truly had the talent to make difficult concepts interesting and easy to understand. His lectures and laboratories were fascinating and very popular among students of general chemistry.

In May 2003, Ed retired from Palomar College, along with 24 other faculty members. He embarked on a new career of travel and exploration, including Alaska, England and other countries in Europe. He also loved Montana and bought a beautiful mountain retreat at Big Mountain overlooking the quaint little town of Whitefish.

Since his retirement, Ed and I spent many hours in California and Montana discussing our teaching careers and our lives. We shared a number of similar interests, and our backgrounds in science overlapped in many ways. I always looked forward to his humorous e-mail messages and invitations to breakfast. His e-mail address of "prairiefalcon" was so perfect for a naturalist.

It is difficult to say goodbye to such a great man. He was truly one of the nicest persons I have ever met in my life. I will miss him very much. I am going to leave "prairiefalcon" in my address book. Maybe Ed will send me another message one of these days.

Wayne P. Armstrong
Life Sciences Dept.
23 January 2008