Sony W-300

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Sony W-300 Mounted On Microscope
 Sony T-9 & T-10 Image Pages:   Images 1     Images 2 

The Sony W-300 can be mounted on the ocular tube of a stereozoom (dissecting) microscope using a Sony adapter ring and a 37mm (M) to T step ring. When attached to a Scopetronix Maxview Plus adapter, the camera slips into the eyepiece housing.

You simply focus through the camera's high resolution LCD screen. In order to avoid camera movement at slow shutter speeds, it is advisable to use the 2 second self timer. It is also advisable to use manual (M) settings on the camera.

From the left: Sony DSC W-300 Cybershot camera; Sony VAD-WF adapter ring;
37mm (M) to T step ring (37 mm to 42 mm); Scopetronix Maxview Plus adapter;
Note: the Maxview Plus shown above slips into an ocular tube 24 mm in diameter.
[24 mm extension can be replaced with a 30 mm extension for other microsopes.]

Advantages of Sony W-300 over a digital SLR:

  1. Smaller and lighter than SLR with extension rings.

  2. Brighter LCD display. Extension rings greatly reduce viewing light.

  3. Digital SLR requires 3 extension rings in order to eliminate vignetting.   

  4. The large 13.6 megapixel sensor has plenty of room for cropping.

Magnified View of Denver Mint Date on U.S. Penny

Date (2000) is approximately 3.7 mm in width.

Magnified Views of Western Sheepmoth (Hemileuca eglanterina)

Magnified view of hairs on abdomen.

Magnified view of scales on wings.

Sheep moth (Hemileuca eglanterina, a member of the tropical family Saturniidae.
This very striking moth is native to the sagebrush country east of the Sierra Nevada.

Photographing Aphid Nymph With Microscope & Nikon D-90

Gland-tipped hairs on a rose bud. The dark aphid nymphs are 0.9 mm in length. Photographed with Sony W-300 through Bausch & Lomb dissecting microscope. Magnification 15x.

Rose bud photographed with Nikon D-90 and 60mm macro lens. The aphid nymph and gland-tipped hairs appear almost as large as in the above microscope image, but they are sharper.

Rose bud photographed with Sony W-300 through Bausch & Lomb dissecting microscope. The dew droplet is one millimeter (1/25th of an inch) in diameter. One gland-tipped hair is trapped within the tiny water droplet. The individual red gland at the tip of stalk is about 250 micrometers in diameter. Magnification 30x

Another Old B & L Microscope With Sony W-300 In Eyepiece Housing

I have definitely taken some very good images with this B & L setup. This is particularly true of extremely small subjects, such as head shots of minute ants in the genus Strumigenys that were only about 0.5 mm long. And I have never surpassed my wolffia images with a Nikon FM-2 film camera body attached to the B & L. In addition, I was able to get above lighting and substage lighting with the B & L which brought out more detail of the microscopic subject matter; however, I must add that most of the macro images on Wayne's Word were taken with my Nikon cameras cameras with macro lens and extension rings.

Comparison Of Nikon SLR With Bausch & Lomb Microscope

Left: Nikon D-90 with 60 mm MicroNikor AF-2 F/2.8G macro lens, Kenco Extension ring, & Opteka Diffuser. Right: Bausch & Lomb Stereozoom Dissection Microscope with Sony DSC W-300 Cybershot Camera on eyepiece.
Minute Strumigenys Ant Heads From Midden (Ant Graveyard)

Three species of microscopic Strumigenys ants: You can barely see their heads with your naked eye. #3 is S. membranifera See Twin Oaks Valley Ants

Minute Wolffia borealis In Full Bloom!

L eft image was taken during the early 1980s with film camera body attached to B & L microscope. I did a lot of duckweed photography in those years. My film & processing bill one year was over $3,000. The following minute wolffia plant is seldom seen and it is rarely observed in flower. In fact, some botanists have stated in the literature that it only reproduces asexually by budding and no longer produces flowers! Floating on the water surface, it is a difficult subject to photograph.

Image taken through B & L Dissecting Microscope with a Nikon camera and Kodachrome 64 Film .

  Nikon D-90 Macro & Telephoto Images  
Table Of Relative Sizes Of Cells & Viruses

A Minute Red Spider Mite

A red spider mite collected on a navel orange 4 January 2010. It is compared in size with the head of an ordinary straight pin (1.5 mm in diameter) and a cuboidal grain of ordinary table salt (NaCl). The width of the mite's body is about 0.6 mm, roughly equivalent to two average grains of table salt placed side-by-side. Spider mites resemble miniature spiders and actually belong the same arthropod class as spiders (Arachnida). They are placed in the subclass Acari along with other mites and ticks. There are 1600 species of mites in the family Tetranychidae, so assigning a genus or species to this image would be purely conjecture on my part. Some of the best known red spider mites belong to the genus Tetranychus. The common red spider mite on citrus trees is Panonychus citri. Like hymenopterans (bees and wasps) and some homopterans (aphids), sex determination depends on whether the egg is fertilized or not. Dipolid (2n) females develop from fertilized eggs and haploid (n) males develop from unfertilized eggs. Unmated females lay parthenogenetic eggs and their offspring are exclusively male, a term called arrhenotokous. Red spider mites are polyphagous and feed on many different species of plants, including vegetables and ornamentals. They suck the contents of leaf cells, leaving minute spots or scars where the epidermal cells have been destroyed. Although individual lesions are very small, commensurate with the small size of mites, infestations of thousands of spider mites can significantly damage the leaves and reduce their photosynthetic ability.

44 autosomes +
    X & Y chromosomes    
44 autosomes +
    two X chromosomes    
  Domestic Fowl  
16 autosomes +
two X chromosomes
16 autosomes +
X & Y chromosomes
22 autosomes +
one X chromosome
22 autosomes +
two X chromosomes
Honey Bee
Drone (n=16)
Worker (2n=32)

Four methods of sex determination in animals.

 Mitosis, Meiosis, Apomixis & Parthenogenesis 
 Other Spider Allies: Mites, Ticks & Scorpions 

A Technique To Show The Air Spaces & Vein (Nerve) On The Duckweed Lemna valdiviana

Ventral view of Lemna valdiviana showing a single vein that extends 3/4 of the distance between the node (point of root attachment) and apex of the plant body. According to Landolt, this is one of the most reliable characteristics to separate it from L. minuta because of the variability of these two species under different growing conditions. The original image color was inverted using Photoshop CS-1.

More Images With B & L Microscope & Sony W-300

Magnified View Of Coarsely-Ground Black Pepper

These are not rocks, assorted corn chips or wheat flakes.
They are minute grains of coarsely-ground black pepper.

Microscope Views of Size Relationships Used in Wayne's Word Articles

1.5 mm = Diameter of pin head used in Wayne's Word articles.

Size of Grain of Table Salt (NaCl) Used in Wayne's Word Images

Microscopic view of three cuboidal grains of ordinary table salt (sodium chloride or NaCl). All three grains are just over one millimeter in length (red bar). Grains of table salt vary slightly in size, but three average grains stacked together adds up to approximately one mm. If three grains equal one millimeter in length, then a single grain is approximately 0.3 mm or 0.03 cm on a side.

More Size Relationships Used in Wayne's Word Images