Oregon 2010 Trip #2
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Oregon 2010 Trip Page #2
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Columbia River Gorge Scenery & Trains #1

Multnomah Falls

Columbia River Gorge
National Scenic Area

Multnomah Falls

Columbia River Gorge
National Scenic Area

Columbia River Gorge at Cascade Locks, Oregon.

Columbia River Gorge at Cascade Locks, Oregon.

"Herman" the remarkable and famous sturgeon at Bonneville Dam Fish Hatchery near Cascade Locks, Oregon. Herman is over 9 feet long, weighs 450 pounds, and is over 70 years old. The sturgeon belongs to a prehistoric family of fishes, the Acipenseridae. It is a cartilaginous fish without a vertebral column. The body is covered with bony plates called scutes rather than scales typical of most other fish. It has 4 tactile barbels in front of its toothless mouth.

Canada geese on the Columbia River.

Cascade Locks, Oregon.

Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna) at Cascade Locks, Oregon.

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