Simile Crossword 1
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Simile Crossword Puzzle #1
Interactive Version

Webster's New World Dictionary defines a simile as a figure of speech
in which one thing is likened to another, dissimilar thing by the use of like,
as, etc. Some similes have become popular American clichés.



1. Blind as a ... 1. Busy as a ...
2. Neat as a ... 2. Easy as ...
4. Flat as a ... 3. Naked as a ...
8. Mad as a wet ... 5. Funny as a ...
9. Dry as a ... 6. Clean as a ...
11. Pretty as a ... 7. Straight as an ...
13. Dead as a ... 10. Sharp as a ...
14. Quick as a ... 12. Nutty as a ...
18. Dull as ... 15. Sly as a ...
20. Crazy as a ... 16. Fresh as a ...
21. Smart as a ... 17. Smooth as ...
22. Slippery as an ... 19. Red as a ...
23. Poor as a ... 20. Happy as a ...
25. Drunk as a ... 24. Cool as a ...
27. Stubborn as a ... 26. Hard as ...
28. Free as a ... 28. Clear as a ...
30. Fit as a ... 29. Sick as a ...
32. Quiet as a ... 31. Tight as a ...
33. White as a ... 33. Ugly as ...

A Good Reference For Similes & Clichés:

Rogers, James. 1985. The Dictionary Of Cliches.
     Ballantine Books, New York. 369 p.

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