Plant Taxonomy Crossword 2
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Plant Taxonomy Terminology #2
Interactive Version


2. The female organ of a flower.
5. Plant family producing the hesperidium.
6. Individual segment of a compound fern leaf.
7. World's second largest plant family.
10. Ovary position with sepals, petals and stamens attached at its apex.
11. Ovary position with sepals, petals and stamens attached at its base.
14. Typical ovary position of the Rosaceae. [Technical Name]
17. A kidney-shaped leaf or indusium.
18. Plant family with the terms spikelet, bract, culm and perigynium.
20. Species with both male & female flowers on the same individuals.
22. Ovule (seed) chamber within a seed-bearing dry fruit.
24. Fruit type composed of cluster of many ripened ovaries from single flower.
25. Fruit type composed of many ripened ovaries from many small flowers.
28. Plant family with phyllaries, pappus, disk flowers and ray flowers.
31. Floral symmetry in which the shape & size of petals (and sepals) are similar.
33. Typical elongate fruit of the mustard family (Brassicaceae).
34. The leaf stalk or petiole of a fern leaf.


1. Plant family with scorpioid inflorescence and four nutlets.
3. The male organ of a flower.
4. A fern leaf.
8. Species with separate male and female individuals in the population.
9. Plant family producing the pepo.
11. The multiple fruit of figs (Ficus spp.).
12. Floral symmetry in which shape & size of petals (and sepals) are dissimilar.
13. Flower missing either the male or female organs. [But Not Both]
15. Flower missing at least one of the four characteristic parts.
16. Placentation with ovules attached at center of a compartmented ovary.
19. Flower with all four characteristic parts present.
21. The covering of a fern sporangia cluster.
23. Dehiscent dry fruit splitting open into 3 or more carpels.
26. Placentation with ovules attached along inner side of pericarp wall.
27. Sporangia cluster on the underside of a fern leaf.
29. Minute one-seeded fruit of the duckweed family (Lemnaceae).
30. Plant family producing the pome.
32. Plant family with the terms glume, palea, lemma and awn.

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