Transposons (Jumping Genes)

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Transposons (Jumping Genes)

A Simplified Explanation For Jumping Genes And
Their Effect On The Kernel Color Of Indian Corn

The reddish streaks on these corn grains are caused by transposons.

Grains of Indian corn come in different colors, such as purple, yellow and white. Sometimes the individual grains are purple with white streaks or mottling. This mottling effect defies Mendel's basic principles of genetics because individual grains may be multicolored rather than a single color. The movement of transposons on chromosomes may result in colored, non-colored and variegated grains that do not fit traditional Mendelian ratios based solely on chromosome assortment during meiosis and random combination of gametes. The explanation for this phenomenon involves "jumping genes" or transposons, and earned Dr. Barbara McClintock the prestigious Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1983 for her life-long research on corn genetics.

Transposons are genes that move from one location to another on a chromosome. In the pigmented aleurone layer of corn grains, the position of transposons may inhibit or block pigment production in some cells. For example, if the transposon moves to a position adjacent to a pigment-producing gene, the cells are unable to produce the purple pigment. This results in white streaks or mottling rather than a solid purple grain. The duration of a transposon in this "turned off" position affects the degree of mottling. If the pigmentation gene is turned off long enough by a transposon, the grain will be completely unpigmented. The reddish-purple patterns caused by transposons may be blotches, dots, irregular lines and streaks.

The reddish streaks on these corn grains are caused by transposons.

The following illustration shows how grain color in Indian corn may be affected by transposons. The different cards represent a linear sequence of genes on a chromosome. The ace of spades represents a transposon that moves to different positions on the chromosome. The jack of diamonds represents the gene for purple pigmentation in the corn grain. When the transposon (ace of spades) moves to a position adjacent to the gene for pigmentation (jack of diamonds), the pigmentation gene is blocked and no purple is synthesized (white area):

When the transposon (ace of spades) moves away from the gene for pigment production (jack of diamonds), the production of purple pigment is resumed (continuous purple area). In this example the gene for pigment production (jack of diamonds) is not adjacent to a transposon (ace of spades):

When a transposon moves to different positions within cells of the corn kernel, the coloration gene is "turned on" or "turned off" depending on whether it lands in a position adjacent to the pigmentation gene. Transposons may also have a profound effect on embryonic development and tumor formation in animal cells. Oncogenes (genes that cause tumors) may be activated by the random reshuffling of transposons to a position adjacent to the oncogene. Transposons may also be useful in genetic engineering with eukaryotic cells, by splicing in transposons to activate certain genes. The implications from Barbara McClintock's discovery of transposons may be far-reaching and as significant as Watson and Crick's discovery of the structure of DNA.

Federoff, N.V. 1984. "Transposable Genetic Elements in Maize."
     Scientific American Volume 250 (Number 6): 84-98.

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