Pinnacles Nat. Mon. Trip #3
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Pinnacles & Sequoia-Kings Canyon Road Trip #3
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Part 3: Foothills Of The Sierra Nevada
© W.P. Armstrong 24 September 2011
Wildflowers Along The Road To Sequoia National Park

Rushing Kaweah River and golden California buckeye (Aesculus californicus).

Goldspeck lichen (Candelariella) Possibly C. vitellina.

Flame Fire-Dot Lichen (Caloplaca ignea) .

Spice bush (Calycanthus occidentalis), a beautiful native shrub in the Calycanthaceae.

"Farewell-to-spring" (Clarkia dudleyana).

Another "farewell-to-spring" (Clarkia viminea).

Yet another clarkia! This one is called elegant clarkia (Clarkia unguiculata).

Indian milkweed (Asclepias eriocarpa) and carpenter bee (Xylocopa).

Naturalized "bachelor's buttons" (Centaurea cyanus) along roadside.