Brodiaeas At SRP & Elsinore Peak
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Brodiaeas at the Santa Rosa Plateau, San Mateo
Wilderness & Elsinore Peak (June 2006)

Santa Rosa Plateau

B. terrestris ssp. kernensis

This species has rectangular, flattened (strap-shaped) staminodes.

The above four images show BTK with strap-shaped staminodes that are not inrolled along the margins. The staminodes are 3-toothed, or with an acute apex (formed by enlarged middle tooth).

Brodiaea santarosae: A New Species

This species was previously confused with B. filifolia and B. orcuttii.

The long filaments in upper 5 images are up to 6 mm in length and resemble B. orcuttii. The narrow-filiform staminodes resemble B. filifolia.

Tom Chester.

San Mateo Wilderness

Brodiaea filifolia

This species has short, filiform (thread-like) staminodes.

The above two images show typical B. filifolia with short filaments (less than 2 mm in length) and narrow-filiform staminodes.

Elsinore Peak

B. terrestris ssp. kernensis

This species has rectangular, flattened-inrolled staminodes.

Typical BTK with erect, inrolled staminodes.

BTK with erect, slightly inrolled (strap-shaped) staminodes.

BTK with inrolled staminodes that lean outward (away from stamens).

Brodiaea santarosae: A New Species

This species was previously confused with B. filifolia and B. orcuttii.

The long filaments (up to 6 mm in length) resemble B. orcuttii. The narrow-filiform staminodes resemble B. filifolia.

Vascular Pattern of Brodiaea santarosae

The above four images show vascular patterns of the inner perianth segment of Brodiaea santarosae on the Santa Rosa Plateau. The three primary vascular bundles separate into multiple strands along the midvein. The strand patterns are different from Niehaus' 1-2-1 pattern for B. orcuttii and his 1-1-1 pattern for B. filifolia. Segment cleared with 10% NaOH. 200x magnification.

Stomata on inner perianth segment of Brodiaea santarosae.

Wildflowers Near Elsinore Peak

Left: Golden eardrops (Dicentra chrysantha). Right: Penstemon spectabilis.

Penstemon spectabilis.

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