Arizona Road Trip Jan-Feb 2018 Part 3
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Arizona Road Trip Jan-Feb 2018 Part 3
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    Also See Images Taken In This Beautiful Area During Jan & Feb Of 2017!  
Scenic Images (3)

Superstition Mountains At Dawn

The Superstitions at dawn. Of all the places I have traveled, this ancient volcano is one of my favorite mountains. In the foreground is Arizona's Superstition Freeway (US 60 East). In addition, this is the only place I have ever found the remarkable true "army ants" (Neivamyrmex). See next image:

Sunset & Moon Rise At Gilbert Riparian Preserve

Sunset at Riparian Preserve at Water Ranch in Gilbert, Arizona

Moonrise Over Riparian Preserve at Water Ranch in Gilbert, Arizona

Last night's moon over Gilbert, Arizona (30 Jan 2018) was actually a very rare event, especially if you include the lunar eclipse at dawn the following morning (31 Jan 2018). It is called a "Super Blue Blood Moon." The following definition is from NASA:

Why is it called a Super Blue Blood Moon? Supermoon: When the Moon is at or near its closest point to Earth. Blue Moon: The second full moon in a month. Blood Moon: The red tint Earth's shadow casts on the Moon during a lunar eclipse.

"Once In A Blue Moon"

The common definition for Blue Moon referring to the second full moon in a month is incorrect. This definition comes from a March 1946 article in Sky & Telescope magazine by James Hugh Pruett. Apparently the author misinterpreted the traditional definition in the 1937 Maine Farmer's Almanac and his definition has been perpetuated for 66 years: "Seven times in 19 years there were--and still are--13 full moons a year. This gives 11 months with one full moon each and one with two. This second in a month, so I interpret, was called Blue Moon." The widespread adoption of the definition of a Blue Moon as the second full moon in a month followed its use on the popular radio program StarDate on January 31, 1980. This is a good example of a stated "fact" that has been misinterpreted.

The term "Blue Moon" is the name for the third full moon in a season that has four full moons, instead of three. It is not the color blue, unless perhaps viewed through the dust cloud from a volcanic eruption. It is also used colloquially to mean a rare event, as in the phrase "once in a blue moon." In the 19th and early 20th centuries, the Maine Farmer's Almanac listed blue moon dates for farmers. Normally each season (quarter) of the year has three full moons and these are given names, such as Hay Moon for the first moon of summer, Corn Moon for the second moon and Harvest Moon for the last moon of summer. When a season has four full moons the third is called Blue Moon so that the last can continue to be called the proper name for that season. Please refer to Wikipedia for more information and references on this subject.

Super Blue Moon In Superstions 31 January 2018.

Harvest Super Moon (Blood Moon) Eclipse From Owens Peak

My 1st attempt at photographing last night's "blood moon." Next time I will use a larger lens! During total eclipse the orange moon was very faint and my lens kept fogging up (condensation) with moisture from early morning dew. More Moon Images