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Numbers In Following Table Are Image Links To Owens Peak
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World Flora Online Home Page 
   Year 2012 (Days 4018 - 4383 of the 3rd Millennium) 
  1. Rare Brodiaeas In A San Marcos Field
  2. Blue Scarlet Pimpernel On Owens Peak
  3. Some Dust Mites In Your Couch
  4. An Assassin Bug On Owens Peak
  5. Long-Jawed Orb Weaver On My Patio
  6. An Unfortunate Male Honey Bee
  7. California Legless Lizard In Encinitas
  8. Honey Bee Excrement On Your Car
  9. Pink Champagne Cake At Madonna Inn
  10. The Formidable Japanese Giant Hornet
  11. A Lichen That Lives On Rabbit Droppings
  12. Southern Fire Ant On Owens Peak
  13. Orange Desert Ants On Owens Peak
  14. A Hair Follicle Mite In Your Nose!
  15. A Big Rattlesnake On Palomar Mtn
  16. A Lovely Mammillaria In Anza-Borrego
  17. Collembola That Carry Sperm To Mosses
  18. The Beautiful Mushroom Amanita muscaria
  19. Moon Over Oregon State U. 20 July 1969!
  20. Malaysian Giant Ant--Worlds's Largest
  21. Stinking Starfish Flower That Attracts Flies
  22. Bagworm Cocoons In Virgin Mary Statue
  23. There Are No Rattlesnakes On This Trail!
  24. Harvest Moon Over White Mtns, Arizona
  25. Hunter's Moon Over Emerald Heights
  26. DNA Nucleobases Found In Meteorites
  27. Camouflage In Leafhoppers In My Backyard     
  28. Puffballs That Resemble Human Figures
  29. Sea Bean Compared With Order Of Fries

   Year 2013 (Days 4384 - 4748 of the 3rd Millennium)   
  1. Flying Ant Swarm On Owens Peak
  2. Greetings From Superstition Mountains
  3. Greeting From Union Pacific Railroad
  4. The Amazing Coconut Pearl Hoax
  5. Tiny Elephants Inside Circassian Seed
  6. 48 Ford Convertible: My First Car
  7. Unassembled Stag Beetle From Japan
  8. The Official Schmidt Sting Pain Index
  9. Tardigrades: Survive in Vacuum Of Space
  10. Moruga Scorpion: Hottest Chile Pepper
  11. Sunset From Metropolis Of Cucamonga
  12. Great Horned Owl In LA County Arboretum
  13. Remarkable Lanternfly With Alligator Head
  14. A Miner's Lettuce-Avocado Salad
  15. A Delicious Puffball Steak Dinner
  16. Fabulous King Boletes In Oregon
  17. Who Makes The Holes In Your Sweater?
  18. Check Your Underwear For Rattlesnakes!
  19. Brain Trickery: Interesting Optical Illusion
  20. Miniature California Fruits & Vegetables
  21. Quiz: Miniature Apples or Large US Penny
  22. Rare Desert Tortoise In Joshua Tree Nat Park
  23. In Search Of Honeypot Ant At The Salton Sea
  24. Remarkable Honeypot Ant At The Salton Sea
  25. Relative Sizes Of Objects In Visible Universe
  26. Male Calif. Tree Cricket Outside My Window
  27. Astonishing Variation In The Sizes Of Ants
  28. Edible Weed (Malva parviflora) In San Marcos
  29. Cute Moth Peering Through Kitchen Window
  30. A Remarkable Bulldog Ant Native To Australia
  31. Dinosaurs Ate Grasses: Phytoliths In Their Dung!
  32. Wolffia: The World's Smallest Flowering Plant
  33. Wolffia Compared With Water Molecule & Earth
  34. A Bowl Of Crispy Weaver Ants From Thailand
  35. Black Widow Living Next To My Exhaust Pipe
  36. Tiny Camouflaged Ground Mantid On Owens Pk
  37. Large Orb Weaver Spider Under My Pepper Tree
  38. Wearing Special Goggles For Photographing Ants
  39. Large Tarantula Hawk Wasp With Orange Antennae
  40. I'm Glad Its Not A Black-Legged Deer Tick (Ixodes)
  41. Photosynthesis: Most Important Step In Evolution
  42. Beware Of Giving Away Rights To Your Images
  43. Vincent Van Gogh & Acute Intermittent Porphyria
  44. Mystery Of Death Valley Desert Seeds Solved!
  45. Harvester Ants Use The Same Algorithm As TCP!
  46. Be Careful Around The Boulders On Owens Peak!
  47. Repelling Enemy Ants By Wagging Your Gaster
  48. Meteor Showers Over San Diego County, Calif.
  49. Trap-Jaw Ant: The Fastest Predatory Appendages
  50. Remarkable Horsepower Of 5 Diesel Locomotives
  51. Wayne's Word Calendars Available From CafePress
  52. Unusual Ant On Owens Peak Near Palomar College
  53. A Forest In Baja California With Natural Ground Fires
  54. Massive Thunderheads Over San Diego County Mtns
  55. Gee, I Wonder If It Is Raining Up In Those Mountains?
  56. I Wonder If You Can Catch Any Pathogens From Lemurs?
  57. What Is The Undisputed World's Largest Sperm Cell?
  58. A Flash Flood That Washed Out Interstate 8 in 1976?
  59. Odds Of Liver Cancer From Aflatoxins in Peanut Butter?
  60. 1/5 of All Plant & Animal Species On Earth Are Beetles
  61. It's a Bee...It's a Wasp...No, It's a Giant Flying Ant!
  62. A Beautiful Silver Spider Living In My Backyard
  63. Preying Mantis Looking Through My Kitchen Window
  64. A Ferocious Solpugid (Sun Spider) On Owens Peak
  65. Ever Wonder Where Brazil Nuts Come From?
  66. The Plant That "Polk Salad Annie" Is Named After
  67. Spinach: Good Source Of Iron For Large Forearms
  68. An Unusual Red Native Morning Glory In SE Arizona
  69. Greetings From The Colorado Plateau & White Mtns
  70. Closure Of Petrified Forest NP Due To Gov. Shutdown
  71. Apache Railway Between Snowflake & Holbrook, AZ
  72. Heading South From Arizona's Beautiful White Mtns
  73. Hunter Moon Over Sedona, Ariz (6:00 PM,18 Oct 2013)
  74. "Little Yellow Ant" Image At Science Museum Of Paris
  75. The Gourd Family (Cucurbitaceae) Has Biggest Fruit
  76. Some Amazing Animals & Plants From Hybridization
  77. Sunset From Owens Peak Taken With Sony T-10
  78. My S. American San Pedro Cactus Is Blooming Again!
  79. The Ant That Stimulated My Interest In Natural History
  80. Western Skink On Owens Peak Near Palomar College
  81. Tortoise Discovery At My Home In N. Twin Oaks Valley
  82. Ant Art: Amazing Use For Nest Of Imported Fire Ant

   Year 2014 (Days 4749 - 5113 of the 3rd Millennium)   
  1. Hawaiian Rainbow: Just Returned From 2 Weeks In Maui
  2. Hawaiin Endemics Evolved From Ancestral CA Tarweed
  3. Greetings From The Saltbush Scrub North Of Salton Sea
  4. Ant Massacre: The Worst Enemy Of Ants Is Other Ants!
  5. Mystery Of The Vomit Slime Mold At Palomar College!
  6. Last Night's Sunset From Owens Peak In San Marcos
  7. Leaf Fiber Image At Bergius Botanic Garden, Sweden
  8. Mushroom Near My San Marcos Home Glows In The Dark!
  9. The Remarkable Sunflower Family: Largest Plant Family
  10. My Favorite Board Game From Island Of Grand Cayman
  11. Largest Blossoming Plant: A Giant Wisteria In Sierra Madre
  12. Southern Calif. Wildflowers Photographed In March 2014
  13. April Fools' Day Discovery Near My Home In San Marcos
  14. The Ultimate Facebook Disclosure: My Recent Colonoscopy
  15. A Fungus That Produces A Toxin Similar To Rocket Fuel!
  16. The Perfect Tool For Removing Ticks From Your Body
  17. My First Close-Up Rattlesnake Encounter In The Year 2014
  18. The "Deadly" Cave Spider In Harry Potter Movie Is Harmless
  19. 1st Attempt At Total Eclipse Of The Moon Called "Blood Moon."
  20. Painful Case Of Mistaken Identity: Crane Fly & Ichneumon Wasp
  21. Greetings From A High Ridge Overlooking Superior, Arizona
  22. Greetings From Chiricahua National Monument in S.E. Arizona.
  23. Another View Of Geronimo's Homeland In Chiricahua Mountains.
  24. Can You Roll Your Tongue? Sign In A Gas Station Window?
  25. San Marcos Coronado Hills Wild Fire (Cocos Fire) 14 May 2014
  26. Some Notes On The Disastrous Chaparral Fires In Southern Calif.
  27. Freight Train Night Train Passing Through Lordsberg, New Mexico
  28. Imagine Finding This Giant Carpenter Ant Queen In Your Bed!
  29. Palomar's 2014 Commencement From The Summit Of Owens Peak
  30. Google Analytics Data For Wayne's Word (April 20-May 20, 2014)
  31. Wildflower Blooming During Worst Spring Drought In Decades
  32. Two Ant Species From Turkey & One Ant Species From Costco
  33. Amazing Technology: My Dentist Made New Crown From 3-D Image.
  34. A Bamboo Keyboard and Mouse: The Perfect Gift For A Botanist.
  35. Deadly Spider Discovered Under Toilet Seats In Public Restrooms.
  36. Can You Pick Up Crab Lice (Pubic Lice) From Toilet Seats?
  37. Coast To Cactus In Southern CA: New San Diego Museum Exhibit
  38. Remains Of A Giant Puffball Fungus The Size Of A Soccer Ball.
  39. "Leaves Of 3, Let It Be; Berries White, Poisonous Sight!
  40. Macro Capability With Sony HX50V Pocket Camera On Candy Corn
  41. My Latest Beetle Discovery Near The Summit Of Owens Peak
  42. A Curious Face In A Bowl Of Black Beans & Stewed Tomatoes
  43. Virgin Mary On Cheese Sandwich: Probability Or Intelligent Design?
  44. Logo Of The Church Of Flying Spaghetti Monster On French Toast
  45. Identified 14 Species Of Ants On Owens Peak N. Of Palomar College
  46. Nail Cleaning Symbiosis At A Harvester Ant (Messor andrei) Nest
  47. Found Another Microscopic Hair Follicle Mite (Demodex) In My Nose
  48. Last Night's Sunset From Under My Carrotwood Trees (11 July 2014)
  49. See The Amazing Wayne's Word Backyard Ecosystem (13 July 2014)
  50. View From My Backyard: My Next Door Neighbor's Owl Box At Dusk
  51. Carrotwood Tree: Bad Choice For A Tree Too Close To Your House
  52. Invasive Plants Can Exert Enormous Forces On Inanimate Objects!
  53. "Little Yellow Ant" Image Going On Tour Of Museums In France
  54. Elaine & The Bullet Ant In Costa Rica: World's Most Painful Insect
  55. Very Dry & Few Creatures On Owens Peak--Except For This Guy!
  56. The Remarkable Trap-Jaw Ant (Odontomachus) From Costa Rica
  57. The Official 2015 Wayne's Word Calendars (3 Sizes) Are Now On-Line
  58. Wood Chips From My Two Carrotwood Trees Have Turned Orange
  59. Millions of Argentine Ants Live Inside My Walls & Under My House!
  60. The Starfish Flower Not Recommended For A Corsage At Prom Night
  61. The Dung Beetle Spends Its Days Rolling Around A Ball Of Dung!
  62. San Diego Zoo & Safari Park: Botanical Gardens & Marvelous Exhibits
  63. Mystery Of Death Valleys Sliding Rocks On Racetrack Playa Solved (1)
  64. As Racetrack Lakebed Dries, The Mud Shrinks Into Mosaic Of Polygons
  65. Hypotheses For Mosaic Pattern In Aerial Image Over Santa Barbara
  66. Spotted Knapweed Outsmarts The Mower Behind John Deere Tractor!
  67. Long-Legged Ants Working Together To Steal Food From Harvester Ants
  68. View Of The Fiery Sunset From My Home At Dusk On 7 September 2014
  69. Lovely Gulf Fritillary Butterflies In My Backyard During September 2014
  70. Thunderheads Brought High Humidity & Downpours To San Diego County
  71. Greetings From Porhyritic Andesite Boulder In The Superstition Mtns, Ariz.
  72. A Large "Horse Lubber Grasshopper" In My Bathtub In Wilcox, Arizona
  73. Large, Slightly Alarmed Javelina Boar In The Chiricahua Mtns Of SE Arizona
  74. Licked By Friendly Coatimundi In The Chiricahua Mtns Of SE Arizona
  75. Cave Creek Canyon, SE Arizona: The Ant Capitol Of The United States
  76. Cave Creek Canyon: One Of The Most Diverse Wildlife Regions In US
  77. Autumn & Golden Aspens Has Reached The Little Town Of Greer, Arizona
  78. Aspen & Engelmann Spruce At 7,000 ft. elev. In The White Mtns Of Arizona
  79. Holbrook, AR: Great Place For Freight Trains & My Favorite Honeypot Ant
  80. Interesting Colony Of Big-Headed Ants (Pheidole) In Wilcox, Arizona
  81. Sunset In The Superstition Mtns Of Arizona After A Lightning Storm
  82. Caterpillar Mining Trucks Have The Right-Of-Way When Crossing US 191!
  83. Official Wayne's Word Retirement Clock That I Don't Set Back Or Forward
  84. My 15th Ant Species Discovered On Owens Peak Near Palomar College
  85. Insect Royalty Visited My Kitchen This Morning: A Queen Argentine Ant
  86. November 2012: It's Jumping Bean Season Again In Old Town, San Diego.
  87. Jumping Galls: California's Tiny Equivalent Of Mexican Jumping Beans
  88. Jumping Height Of Mexican Jumping Bean Vs The California Jumping Gall
  89. Wayne's #1 Hitchhiking Plant From Madagascar & Extinct Elephant Bird
  90. How Close Twin Oaks Valley, San Marcos Is To the San Bernardino Mtns
  91. Colorful View Of Double Peak From The Summit Of Owens Peak At Dusk
  92. A Minute & Bizarre Pseudoscorpion From My Recent Arizona Road Trip
  93. Interesting Use For Battery In My Glucose Meter In Motherboard Of Computer
  94. Famous Quotation By Author Mark Twain About Maintaining Your Heath
  95. Turkey Tail Mushroom & Tuberous Sword Fern In My Yard In San Marcos
  96. Christmas Resident In My Backyard: A Female Ring-Necked Pheasant
  97. A Remarkable Southern California Beetle That Appears After 1st Fall Rain
  98. Phyllis, A Female Pheasant Currently Lives In My Backyard in San Marcos
  99. A Typical Snowman For Christmas in San Marcos, California This Year
  100. Phyllis The Pheasant Is Advertising For A Christmas Mate On Facebook
  101. A Close-up (Macro) Image Of M&M's Plain Candies Taken With iPhone 6
  102. My Old Wayne's Word Christmas Card That I Sent Out Many Years Ago
  103. Spider With Unusual Dog Face Found On Christmas Eve In My Backyard
  104. Sunset View From Summit Of Owens Peak: 5:30 PM Christmas Eve 2014
  105. Pheidole Ant On Christmas Eve & Book About Pheidole On Christmas Day
  106. Frozen Pheasant Water Dish: Rare Event In Twin Oaks Valley, San Marcos
  107. Happy New Year 2015 Of The 21st Century: Day 5114 Of The 3rd Millennium
  108. Seldom Seen, Rare & Endangered Snow Hippo Endemic To Palomar Mountain

   Year 2015 (Days 5114 - 5478 of the 3rd Millennium)   
  1. Wolf Moon: 1st Full Moon Of 2015 Over Emerald Heights--From Owens Peak
  2. Ice Crystal Halo ("Sundog") Over The Sierra Nevada Near Lone Pine, California
  3. Reading A Scholarly Bad Attitude Book In A Restaurant In Big Pine, California
  4. Cold Weather: Walker River North Of Bridgeport, CA Completely Frozen Over
  5. View Of Snow-Covered Sierra Nevada From A Church In Minden, Nevada
  6. Wayne's Birthday Celebration At Niceley's Cafe In Lee Vining, California
  7. Phyllis The Pheasant Waited For Me To Return From My Trip To Miden, NV!
  8. View Of Ocean & Red Sky Just After Sunset From Palomar Airport (23 Jan 2015)
  9. Jan 2015: Good Wildflower Germination At End Of Di Giorgio Rd, Borrego Springs
  10. Found A Minute Ant In The Sand On My Recent Road Trip To The Salton Sea
  11. Minute Sea Shells In The Sand At San Andreas Oasis North Of The Salton Sea
  12. It's Rattlesnake Season Again On Owens Peak, San Marcos: Dog Owners Beware!
  13. Large Swarm Of Honey Bees In Coastal Sagebrush Near Summit Of Owens Peak
  14. Honeypot Ants & Solpugid In Unstaged Fight To The Finish In Southeast Arizona
  15. My 234 Facebook Trivia Notes Can Be Accessed At The Following LinkHyperlink
  16. Elaine's Bullet Ant Rephotographed: A Really Big Ant With A Very Painful Sting!
  17. Red Bush Monkeyflower Is In Bloom Again & The Hummingbirds Are Very Happy
  18. Telegraph Weed On Owens Peak Is Now Considered To Be A Native Wildflower
  19. An Ant Species With No Queen. The Workers Forage & Lay More Female Eggs!
  20. A Hippo Puzzle Given To Me To Keep My Mind Challenged During Retirement
  21. Regarding The Privacy Of Email--My Account Is About As Safe As A Post Card
  22. Its Crane Fly Season Again In Southern Calif: These Are Not Mosquito Hawks!
  23. My 1st Rattlesnake Encounter of 2015 On Owens Peak: Crotalus viridis helleri
  24. The Beautiful Borrego Valley Wildflower Display Of March 2015 Is Fading Rapidly
  25. My 2nd Rattlesnake Encounter In A Week On Owens Peak--Better Stay On Trails
  26. If You Become A Living larder Honeypot Ant, Your Fast Running Days Are Over
  27. The Recently Introduced African Brown Widow Has Made It To My Patio Cover
  28. Finally Made It To The Fair Oaks Pharmacy & Soda Fountain In South Pasadena
  29. A Trip Down Memory Lane: The House I Grew Up In During The 2nd Millennium
  30. An Amazing "Ant Plant" That Provides The Living Quarters For Symbiotic Ants
  31. Mountain Cabin In Pinyon Forest Built Like Vintage 2nd World War Quonset Hut
  32. A Mile-Long Freight Train With 5 Engines Going Up The Steep Cajon Pass Grade
  33. Freight Train Photography From Splendid Overlook With A Large Reptilian Railfan
  34. Tehachapi Loop Enables Long Freight Trains To Climb Steep Grade To Tehachapi
  35. The Windmill-Covered Ridge Overlooking Tehachapi--With A Full Moon At Dusk
  36. My Longest Freight Train On The Tehachapi Grade: 10 Engines & Over 100 cars!
  37. Sechelles Island Palm: The Undisputed Largest & Most Provocative Seed On Earth
  38. Instructions For Suicidal Insect: How To Close Venus' Flytrap Leaf On Your Body
  39. Portrait Of San Diego Alligator Lizard (Elgaria multicarinata webbi) On Owens Pk
  40. Calif. Whipsnake: Another Serpent Encounter On Owens Peak (17 April 2015)
  41. Living Inside Corrugations Of A Cardboard Packing Box On The Island Of Maui
  42. Searching For The Elusive Myrmecocystus mexicanus--I Used To Be A Botanist!
  43. Water Conservation In S. California: Moratorium On High Density Housing Tracts?
  44. Found Honeypot Ant (Myrmecocystus mexicanus) In Joshua Tree National Park
  45. Heartbreak Of Anther Smut: A Debilitating, Sexually Transmitted Plant Disease
  46. "Little Yellow Ant" On Maui Is Still The Smallest Ant That I Have Ever Seen
  47. Union Pacific & BNSF Trains Controlled By Dispatching Centers In Neb. & Tex.
  48. Big-Headed Ants On Owens Peak Moving Larvae & Pupae To Higher Ground
  49. Why Explosive Flatulence In Bombardier Beetle Doesn't Scald The Beetle?
  50. Another Reptile Encounter On Owens Peak: A California Striped Kingsnake
  51. GPS Coordinates With Garmin Etrex & Apple iPhone Placed Side-By-Side
  52. The May 2015 Rains On Owens Peak Brought Out This Lovely Mariposa Lily
  53. More Tiny Ground Mantids (Litaneutria minor) On Owens Peak in San Marcos
  54. There Numerous Diminutive Predators Lurking On Owens Peak in San Marcos
  55. Some Of The Numerous Buttons I Collected During My LongTeaching Career!
  56. Another Fast-Running Predator On Owens Peak: A Tiny Black Ground Spider
  57. So Much For The Owl Decoy I Bought To Scare Away Rabbits In My Backyard
  58. A Common Spider In My House With Ecclesiastical Markings On Its Abdomen
  59. Owens Peak: Interesting Hill Amidst Sea Of Urban Sprawl In San Marcos, CA
  60. Interesting Ant Mimic Spider On Owens Peak That Resembles Red Velvet Ant
  61. Beautiful Cooper's Hawk (Accipiter cooperi) Landed At My Home In San Marcos
  62. The End Of The Dinosaur Era Is Recorded In The Badlands Of Eastern Montana
  63. My Favorite Botanical Subject: Wolffia--The World's Smallest Flowering Plants
  64. Squatty Potty: Improved Elimination And A Handy Television Eating Tray!
  65. It's Blooming Time Again For Brodiaea santarosae On The Santa Rosa Plateau
  66. E. Montana 70 MYA: This Area Was A Subtropical Forest Swampland With T-Rex
  67. A Fierce Raptor (Accipiter cooperi) High In The Pine Tree In My Backyard!
  68. New World Amber Is Too Young To Contain The Blood & DNA Of Dinosaurs
  69. Western Lights: Last Night's View From Twin Oaks Valley Just Before Dark
  70. For San Diego Drought I Planted Large Boulders & Drought-Tolerant Lantanas
  71. A Large Herbivore Dinosaur (Sauropod) Coprolite From The Jurassic Period
  72. Beautiful Northern Harriers Observed Soaring Around Summit Of Owens Peak
  73. Large Eastern Black Carpenter Ant Found By Antman Jack At Chesapeake Bay
  74. Another New Ant For Mr. Wolffia Found By Jack The Ant Man In Maryland
  75. Pavement Ant Queen From Maryland Now Lives In My Ant Farm In San Marcos
  76. High Speed Image Of Northern Harrier Soaring Over Summit Of Owens Peak
  77. Antlions That Wait At Bottom Of Pitfall Traps In Sand: An Ant's Worst Nightmare
  78. Sparrow Hawk: Another Raptor That Commonly Hovers Above Owens Peak
  79. Lightning, Thunder & Rain Over Drought Stricken Twin Oaks Valley This AM
  80. A Flower From India That Is Challenging To Identify With A Taxonomic Key
  81. A Simplified Photo-Illustration Of The Basic Anatomy Of Ant-Man's Face
  82. Imported South American Fire Ant (Solenopsis invicta) Collected In Florida
  83. Testing Macro Capability Of Sony HX50V On A Crab Spider In My Backyard
  84. Ant Man: An Entertaining Movie That Features Several Species Of Ants!
  85. Blue Moon Over Twin Oaks Valley, San Marcos Friday Night 31 July 2015
  86. A Very Small Scorpion Or A Very Large Penny, Or Both Of These Things
  87. Solution To Very Small Scorpion, A Very Large Penny, Or Both Of These
  88. World Population & Growth Rate Is Not What I Predicted In The Year 1966
  89. Why I Love Canada: 2nd Largest Country & Fewer People Than California!
  90. Mt. Denali Will Finally Be Given Its Rightful Name After More Than A Century
  91. It's Orb Weaver Season At The Wayne's Word Headquarters In San Marcos
  92. The Largest Ant I Have Encountered At Daley Ranch North Of Escondido
  93. A Sow Bug Killer (Desdera crocata) In Our House 17 September 2015
  94. Another Honeypot Ant Species At Daley Ranch That Really Loves Werther's!
  95. September's Fastest & Most Common Spider In My House In Twin Oaks Valley
  96. Eclipse Of Super Moon & Blood Moon From Owens Peak (27 September 2015)
  97. Super Harvest Moon 24 Hrs After Eclipse & Blood Moon (28 September 2015)
  98. Finally Found The Red-Headed Wood Ant In Jeffrey Pine Forest Of Truckee
  99. "Obese-Appearing" Ants May Be Vital For Survival Of Honeypot Ant Colonies
  100. "Ant Mill": A Group Of Ants Running In A Circle Until They Die Of Exhaustion
  101. More About Army Ants: Why Do They Follow So Closely Behind Each Other?
  102. A Gourd Mask From Brazil With Sea Beans (cf. Dioclea species) For Eyes
  103. I'm Glad I Switched To Ants During My Retirement Years As A Biologist
  104. An iPhone Supermarket Image: Different Stages Of Ripeness In Bell Peppers
  105. Sunset From Beach In Front Of Hotel del Coronado On Cold December Night
  106. An Unusual Stem Ant Inside Coyote Brush Branch On Owens Peak (Dec 2015)
  107. Full Moon On Christmas Eve 24 Dec 2015: A Rare Event In A Human Lifetime
  108. Sitting On Owens Peak With Sunset & Full Moon Christmas Eve 24 Dec 2015
  109. Full Moon Setting On Christmas Morning: A Rare Event In A Human Lifetime

   Year 2016 (Days 5479 - 5844 of the 3rd Millennium)   
  1. The Wayne's Word Millennium Calendar & The Year 2016 is A Leap Year!
  2. A Drainage Ditch Made Of Dirt In My Neighborhood In City Of San Marcos!
  3. See El Niño Flood Waters In A San Marcos, California Housing Development
  4. Sugar-Loving Ants Helped In The Discovery Of Diabetes Over 2,000 years ago
  5. An Inexpensive, Rugged, Mini- Point & Shoot Camera For Close-Up Images
  6. Soldiers Of The Arizona Turtle Ant Have Heads That Evolved Into Doors!
  7. Greetings From The Superstitions: My Favorite Volcanic Core (Lava Plug)
  8. Why I Love The Superstitions--Especially The Sahuaros & Arizona Sunsets
  9. My Favorite Pastime: Ant Hunting Along The Lower Salt River, Arizona
  10. Curious Roadrunner Watching Me Photograph A Colony Of Honeypot Ants
  11. I Found My 1st Army Ant In The Superstitions! This Is A Fascinating Ant
  12. Confusing Trail Sign At Boyce Thompson Arboretum About Biodiversity
  13. Pheidole Ants Have Big-Headed Majors To Defend Against Army Ant Raids
  14. I Guess If You Are An Ant That Lives Underground, You Don't Need Eyes
  15. My First Encounter With A Rattlesnake in 2016: A Large Red Diamondback
  16. Found The Stars Of "Empire Of The Desert Ants" At Daley Ranch (Mar 2016)
  17. My Identification Of A Duckweed For The University Of The Virgin Islands
  18. Today's Colonoscopy: Something In Common With 1/2 Of Old N. Americans!
  19. Four Ants That I Played With & Misidentified At The Age Of 10 (1951 A.D.)
  20. Pheidole vistana On Owens Peak Definitely Attack & Kill Other Ant Species!
  21. Pheidole barbata: With Adaptation For Carrying Dry, Loose, Desert Sand
  22. Beware Of Coconut Pearls For Sale On Internet: Palms Don't Produce Pearls
  23. Young Volcanic Buttes At Geothermically Active Southern End Of Salton Sea
  24. Harvester Ants (Pogonomyrmex) In Brawley, CA Active At 100 + Temperatures
  25. Novel Uses For Cockleburs: Widespread Hitchhiker In The Sunflower Family
  26. Male Giant Water Bug: Paternal Insect That Actually Assists In Child Rearing
  27. How To Recognize The Banding Pattern Of Poisonous Arizona Coral Snake
  28. Logwood & Brazilwood: Dyewood Trees That Spawned Two Nations
  29. My Favorite Ant On Owens Peak (Pheidole vistana) Is A Fierce Predator!
  30. A Large "Panther Ant" (Pachycondyla = Neoponera) In The Peruvian Andes
  31. This Desert Honeypot Ant Did Not Get Underground By The Heat Of Mid-Day
  32. Does Water Usage Fine Affect Argentine Ant Populations In Twin Oaks Valley?
  33. What Is The Derivation Of The Name Fig Newton? Is It A Singer Named Wayne?
  34. Latest Discovery At Daley Ranch: Wingless Wasp That Resembles An Ant!
  35. Some Elegant & Beautiful Wildflowers In Dry Hills North Of Palomar College
  36. Bright Red Wildflowers In Full Bloom On Owens Peak During May-June 2016
  37. Living With Your Queen & Hundreds Of Sisters All Packed Into A Single Acorn!
  38. Enormous Size Variation In Queen Ants At Daley Ranch North Of Escondido
  39. Daley Ranch Quiz: Which Leaf Is Poison Oak? 4 Choices, One is Correct
  40. Camel Cricket: Unusual Insects Show Up In My Ant Traps At Daley Ranch
  41. Twin Oaks Valley Sunset Enhanced By Sherpa Wildfire in Santa Barbara
  42. Happy Father's Day 2016: My Father In His Carpenter Shop Over 50 Years Ago
  43. 20 June 2016: Strawberry Moon On Summer Solstice & Longest Day Of Year
  44. 22 June 2016: The Tiniest Ant Found In My Ant Survey At Daley Ranch!
  45. Small Beetle At Daley Ranch That Resembles A Gold Nugget With Legs!
  46. A 2nd Golden Beetle: If They Were Made Of Real Gold I Would Be Wealthy!
  47. Night Search & Enjoy Mission In My Backyard In To Find A Preying Mantis
  48. The Results Of My Ancestry.Com DNA Test Have Arrived: No Big Surprises
  49. Monsoon Clouds East Of The Sandia Mountains In New Mexico (July 2016)
  50. Another Image Of Monsoon Storm On Arizona-New Mexico Trip (July 2016)
  51. Remarkable Clearing (Clay Lens) In The Chaparral Hillside Above My Home
  52. Ants Are Harder Than Plants! Some Minute Traits Require 100x Magnification
  53. Playing "Nursemaid" To A Field Ant (Formica) Queen During My Retirement!
  54. A Large Huntsman Spider In Ominous Pose On The Edge Of My Cereal Bowl
  55. My favorite train-viewing bridge near Needles, CA. Temp was 110 degrees F!
  56. It's Almost Rain Beetle Season Again In Twin Oaks Valley, San Marcos, CA
  57. Presidential Candidate Quiz: Aleppo Pine Named After Syrian City Of Aleppo
  58. Dog Vomit Fungus (Fuligo septica): My Favorite Slime Mold In My Back Yard
  59. This September (2016) I Discovered Some Interesting Fungi In My Back Yard
  60. Image Of Harvest Moon Rising Above The House On Hill Above My Home
  61. Bright Harvest Moon Rising Above Hill Behind My House In Twin Oaks Valley
  62. Ants From Albuquerque May Be Range Extension or An Undescribed Species
  63. Wayne's Word contains >12,000 images, and they fit on a 2 GB memory stick!
  64. Sunset View From My Driveway In Twin Oaks Valley Looking West
  65. The Lovely Cycad In My Back Yard Finally Revealed Her Sex To Me
  66. A Large Araneus Spider Hanging Upside-Down Outside My Back Door!
  67. An Attractive Ground Spider (Family Gnaphosidae) In My Bath Tub!
  68. Backyard food web: I Did Not Know That Bunnies Liked To Eat Bird Seed
  69. It's Truly Amazing What You Can Find In Your Back Yard With A Flashlight
  70. Don't Give Starfish Flower Bouquet To Someone You Are Trying To Impress!
  71. A Drain Fly Is Rather Uncommon In A Sink That Is Cleaned Regularly
  72. A Touch Of Fall Along The Shoreline Of Lake Henshaw, San Diego County
  73. Imported Fire Ants Are Definitely In Irrigated Parks & Lawns In Indio, CA
  74. Holly-Leaf Cherry On Cajon Pass Has Already Sprouted After Blue Cut Fire
  75. Lichen: Algae & Fungi Marriage Surviving On Barren Rock Of Westgard Pass
  76. Rock-Inhabiting Fungi (RIFs) Survive Some Of The Most Extreme Habitats
  77. See An Amazing Rainbow Over My Twin Oaks Valley Neighborhood In 2004!
  78. Large Ant In Bracelet I Got For Christmas 2016: Maybe Red Harvester Ant?

   Year 2017 (Days 5845 - 6209 of the 3rd Millennium)   
  1. San Diego Zoo 30 Dec 2016: Hippo Under Water With Nostrils Closed
  2. 2017 New Year's Resolution: Find Slavemaker Ant In Southern California
  3. My Father Paul Armstrong, Brave U.S. Navy Seabee During World War II
  4. Wayne's Word Still Gets 122,000+ Pageviews Per Month, Mostly Students
  5. My 1st Prickly Puffball On Owens Peak: Brought Out By Well-Spaced Rains
  6. Seeds Of Guanacaste Tree Germinated After 27 Years In My Container
  7. Felicity, Calif: Where I can watch freight trains and ants at the same time!
  8. Reason #1 Why I Love Arizona: Superstition Mts. 16 January 2017
  9. Reason #2 Why I Love Arizona: Superstition Mts. 16 January 2017
  10. Reason #3 Why I Love Arizona: Lower Salt River. 17 January 2017
  11. Reason #4 Why I Love Arizona: Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum
  12. Reason #5 Why I Love Arizona: Cave Creek Canyon, Chiricahua Mts
  13. Reason #6 Why I Love Arizona: The Exquisite Painted Desert
  14. Dutchman's Gulch: A Quaint Mining Town In The Superstition Mts
  15. Beautiful 4 Peaks, Ariz. Has An Amethyst Mine Between Peaks 3 & 4.
  16. The Tiny Bird's Nest Fungus Is Appearing All Over My Front Yard
  17. Latest Ant Research: Telomeres Involved In Longevity Of Ant Castes
  18. Feb. 2017: I Have Never Seen Summit Of Owens Peak This Green
  19. Mustard Field In Twin Oaks Valley: Result Of Heavy 2017 Winter Rain
  20. A Crimson Fungus That Attacks Naturalized Filaree On Owens Peak
  21. Rare Brodiaea Near Palomar College May Be Undescribed Species
  22. Mar 2017: San Marcos Vernal Pools Have Water & SD Fairy Shrimp
  23. Unwise To Post False Clams On Websites and Social Media!
  24. Poppy Patches On Owens Peak From Heavy Winter Rains Of 2017
  25. To See Desert Blue Bells Go To South End Of Joshua Tree Nat. Park
  26. Biosphere II Project Failed Due To Ant Infestation & Other Problems
  27. 2017 Spring Wildflowers: The Climbing Snapdragon On Owens Peak!
  28. Clickbook: A Slick Way To Print Small Brochures From Web Pages
  29. Tiny Desert Wildflower With Minute Flowers Bearing Glistening Cells
  30. The Heartbreak Of "Fungus Gnats" In Every Room Of My House!
  31. Crane Fly: Common House Visitor After Heavy Rains Of Winter 2017
  32. An Introduced European Wildflower On North Side Of Owens Peak
  33. Palomar College Recognized As An Arboretum: See Newsletter #11
  34. A Very Camouflaged Rattlesnake In Local Hills Of San Diego County
  35. Possible Undescribed Brodiaea Species At San Marcos Vernal Pools
  36. Pubic Lice Are More Closely Related To Gorilla Lice Than Head Lice!
  37. Native Ant Holding Its Own Against Army Of Argentine Ants In My Yard
  38. Sony Mini-Cameras: Photo Of Tiny Hump-Backed Bee Fly In My Kitchen
  39. A Neat Adaptation Of Desert Harvester Ants For Carrying Dry, Loose Sand
  40. My Home In Twin Oaks Valley Has Become A Haven For Wild Animals!
  41. As The Last Flowers Of Spring Fade Away, The Summer Fire Season Begins
  42. Centaurium venustum: An Amazing Spring 2017 Wildflower On Owens Peak
  43. Memorial Day 2017: In Memory Of My Father Paul Armstrong, U.S. Navy Seabee
  44. If Seeds Are Viable I Will Try These Trees In The Palomar College Arboretum
  45. Just Found My 16th Species Of Ant On Owens Peak North Of Palomar College
  46. Workers Move Dead Ants To Ant Graveyard When Carcases Emit Oleic Acid
  47. My Latest Image Of Northern Harrier Gliding Over The Summit Of Owens Peak
  48. Father's Day 2017: My Father Working In His Carpenter Shop About 60 Yeays Ago
  49. Hundreds Of Uses For Duct Tape & Here's Another: Cupholder For My Old Truck!
  50. Beautiful Red Wildflowers Blooming Right Now (15 June 2017) On Owens Peak!
  51. Pushing My Small Sony Camera To Its Limits To Photograph A Celestial Body!
  52. Clip-On Macro Lens For Smartphone: Inexpensive Way To Get Close-Up Images
  53. Compound Beetle Eye Photographed With iPhone 6 & $12 Clip-On Macro Lens
  54. Grains Of Table Salt On Range Top, Taken With iPhone 6 & Clip-On Macro Lens
  55. Happy 4th Of July From Osteospermum Fireworks Display At Wayne's Word!
  56. This Rabbit Helps Me By Cutting Sprouting Grass Plants Between Flagstones
  57. Two More Uses For Duct Tape: Trapping Ants & Laminated Dead Ant Bookmark!
  58. Found A Minute Fungus-Farming Ant In An Argentine Ant Midden At My Home
  59. My Dentist Made Me Crowns With 3-D Image & Milling Machine In Her Office!
  60. Found 2 Very Diverse Ants On Same Day: Huge Carpenter Ant & Tiny Thief Ant
  61. I Should Have Gone To Jackson Hole, Wyoming!
  62. Just Found Miniature Version Of Trap-Jaw Ant In Twin Oaks Valley
  63. You Can Barely See The Heads Of These 3 Strumigenys With Your Naked Eye!
  64. Mantid After Honeybees Attracted To Yellow Flowers. The Bees Don't See Red!
  65. This Year's Bright September Moon Is Technically Not Called A Harvest Moon
  66. Miss Mantid On My Hummingbird Feeder Eats Honeybees & Helps Hummingbirds
  67. Which Maple Species Is Depicted On The Canadian Flag?
  68. A Pink Moth In My Living Room In Twin Oaks Valley, San Marcos
  69. A Sac Spider (Cheiracanthium mildei) I Found In My Kitchen Last Night
  70. Starfish Flowers In Full Bloom: Some 12 Inches In Diameter & With Blow Flies
  71. Indian Shot (Canna indica): Very Hard Seeds Possibly Shot From Guns?
  72. Face Design On Neoscona Orb Weaver Spider At My Home In Twin Oaks Valley
  73. Frost Myth: Leaves On Red Maple At Palomar College Turned Red Without Frost
  74. Ironclad Beetle On Thanksgiving Day Is A Master In The Art Of Playing Possum!
  75. Housing Developments Should Not Be Built In Calif. Chaparrral "Fire Corridors"
  76. Nature's Promise Of Renewal: Ashes To Wildflowers In San Diego County 2008
  77. Migratory Routes Of Ancestors Of W.P. Armstrong Based On Ancestry.DNA
  78. Storm Glass: Device For Predicting Approaching Storms Aboard HMS Beagle
  79. How Time Flies! New Year's Day 2018 Is Day 6210 Of The 3rd Millennium

   Year 2018 (Days 6544 - 6574 of the 3rd Millennium)   
  1. Daley Ranch Walk 1 Jan 2018: Contest For Unusual/Interesting Insects/Spiders
  2. Rescued Very Cold & Severely Dehydrated Baby Tarantula From Owens Peak
  3. Amazing Trapdoor Spiders Once Lived In Vacant Land Around Palomar College
  4. After Spending $100, Our Tarantula Prefers To Hang Out In A Toilet Paper Roll
  5. Setting Ant Pitfall Traps Under Palo Verde Trees in The Superstitions, Arizona
  6. Dateland, AZ: The Only Place I Found Honeypot Ants On My Jan-Feb 2018 Trip
  7. Ancestral DNA Techniques Requires Enzyme Discovered At Yellowstone NP!
  8. My Rescued Tarantula Likes Likes The Heating Pad In His Luxurious Terrarium
  9. Large Hawkmoth With Red Antennae Hunting For Tarantula On Owens Peak
  10. Ever wonder what are the strings of tissue when you peel a banana?
  11. Brodiaea Garden Screened Against Gophers, Rabbits, & Ground Squirrels
  12. Found 3 Of The Strangest & Tiniest Ant Species In Bridle Path Near My Home
  13. Acorn Storage In Massive Aleppo Pine At Escondido's Oak Hill Memorial Park
  14. Just Found Arizona's Smallest Ant Species In My Backyard (Twin Oaks Valley)
  15. Three Species Representing 3 Subfamilies Of Tropical Ants In My Backyard!
  16. Mudmidgets: California's Most Bizarre Natve Flowering Plants Of Marshlands
  17. Compare Tiny Eyes Of My Tarantula With The Large Eyes Of Jumping Spider
  18. National Geographic Maternal & Paternal DNA Lineage For W.P. Armstrong
  19. An Unusual Sun Halo Over Joshua Tree National Park Tuesday 3 April 2018
  20. Tricked By Sense Receptors In Your Tongue When They Bind With Capsacin!
  21. Sweet Potato Not Carried To Polynesia By People. Its Seeds Drifted There!
  22. Ornamental Sweet Potatoes With Purple Foliage Planted At Palomar College
  23. Searching For The ID Of Minute Ant With A Head The Size Of Salt Grains
  24. My Largest Solpugid Found In Ant Trap At My Home In Twin Oaks Valley
  25. For An Aphid, This Terrifying "Lilliputian Velociraptor" Is Your Worst Nightmare!
  26. Image Of Nesting Cooper's Hawk By Zooming Up On Distant Tree With HX60V
  27. Coffee Spill Prank On My Laptop Keyboard That Was Meant To Cheer Me Up!
  28. I Finally Confirmed The ID Of Light-Colored Slimy Mass In My Bathroom Drain
  29. Santa Rosa Basalt Brodiaea In Full Bloom At My Garden In Twin Oaks Valley
  30. T-Rex Ant Found Alive In 2016 Failed To Live Up To Its Fearsome Namesake!
  31. My Tarantula Molted: He Shed His Hairy Exoskeleton Composed Of Chitin
  32. Some Background Information For New Movie Entitled Ant-Man & The Wasp
  33. Hair Basket Helps Queen Harvester Ant Carry Mouthfuls Of Sand Without Spilling
  34. The Name "Big-Headed Ant" Is Not Apparent Until You See Your 1st Major Worker
  35. Ant-Man & Wasp's Latest Journey To Quantum Realm Through Tardigrade Field
  36. Bird Feeder Has Become Popular "Snack Bar" For Cooper's Hawks At Our Home
  37. An Official Wayne's Word Botany Quiz: A Large Radish Or Small Lemon?
  38. Western Toad Visitor To Our Home Sitting In Tran's Water Dish Eating Crickets
  39. Toby Toad Has Discovered Tran's Cricket Stash In His Terrarium At Our Home!
  40. Red Hourglass On Black Widow More Conspicuous To Predators Than To Prey
  41. Close-up View Of Face Of Large Black Widow (Latrodectus mactans) In My Garage
  42. Tran The Tarantula Is Back & The Saga Of This Amazing Escape Artist Continues!
  43. Images Taken 50 Years Ago From Same Spot Along Hwy 2 Near Wrightwood, CA
  44. Lake Hodges Covered With Duckweeds Where I Found My 1st Wolffia Species
  45. Remembering Dr. Kent Backart, Palomar Chemistry Professor, Friend & Pilot
  46. Long Valley E. Of Mammoth Mtn, One Of Earth's Largest Calderas (Super Craters)
  47. Mystery Heads In Ant Traps At My Home Finally Solved By James Hogue At CSUN
  48. Not A Snake Or A Fly: A Living Fossil Insect That Runs Backwards At Full Speed!
  49. Tiny Adult Beetles That Are Smaller Than Grains Of Ordinary Table Salt (NaCl)
  50. My Fig Beetle Image At The Santa Barbara Museum Of Natural History 8 Oct 2018!
  51. A Cooper's Hawk In My Backyard Removing A Large Rat Beneath My Bird Feeder
  52. My Latest Temporary House Guest Is A Large Mediterranean Mantid Named Pat
  53. My Living Room Is Well-Prepared For Halloween This October!
  54. Mysterious Yellow Specks On Cars Parked In Front Of Palomar College
  55. Total Number Of Species On Earth May Be Greater Than Anyone Imagined!
  56. I Envy Friends Who Moved North, But We Do Have Nice Sunsets In San Diego
  57. I Released Pat The Mantid Into My Lantana Where It Attacked Another Mantid!
  58. S. American Fire Ants In Indio Instinctively Form Rafts When Placed In Water
  59. The Devastating Camp Fire: Destroying The Town Of Paradise, California
  60. My Wayne's Word Calendar For 2019 Features Only Freight Train Images!
  61. As A Microphotographer I Have Always Wanted To Photograph A Snowflake!
  62. Wayne's Word Is Officially Registered With U.S. Patent & Trademark Office
  63. Merry Christmas From Wayne's Word In Twin Oaks Valley, San Marcos
  64. New Record For The Fastest Moving Appendage Of Any Animal On Earth!
  65. Season's Greetings From Myrmecocystus wheeleri In The Merriam Mtns
  66. 6,574 Days Have Passed Since Day1 Of The 3rd Millennium (21st Century)

   Year 2019 (Days 6575 - 6939 of the 3rd Millennium)   
  1. Snow Algae Increasing Melt Rate Of Snow & Glaciers From Arctic to Anarctica
  2. Eclipse Of Super Blood Wolf Moon Over Twin Oaks Valley In San Marcos, CA
  3. Big Headed Ant Soldier: The Adaptive Advantage Of Big Head & Powerful Jaws
  4. Amazing Honeypot Ant (Myrmecocystus mimicus) Exhibit At The Oakland Zoo
  5. Harvester Ants In Suckers Sold At Hotlix Candy Store In Pismo Beach, California
  6. The Most Spectacular Display Of Poppies In My 50 Year Photography Career
  7. The Remarkable Sea Heart: The Perfect Gift For Valentines Day
  8. The Most Spectacular Display Of Lupines In My 50 Year Photography Career
  9. Telephoto View Of 11,503 ft. Mt. San Gorgonio From Summit Of Owens Peak
  10. Archaic Border Wall That Goes Near A Rare, Seldom Seen Native Wildflower
  11. Ant Identification Can Be A Real Challenge Because Key Traits Are So Small
  12. No Refunds This Tax Season. I See Why My Financial Planner Lives In Nevada!
  13. Mass Mortality In S. CA Oleanders By Plant Bacteria Spread By Leafhoppers
  14. Massive Painted Lady Migration Over My House In A West-Northwest Direction
  15. Incredible Poppy Display At Summit Of Owens Peak On Sunday 17 March 2019
  16. Beautiful Green Slope & Valley Behind Owens Peak On Monday 18 March 2019
  17. Hilltopping: Butterflies Fly Upslope To The Tops Of Nearest Hills To Find A Mate
  18. Spectacular Bloom Of California Poppies In Hills Along I-15 Near Lake Elsinore
  19. Massive Bloom of Calif. Poppies Along I-15 Near Lake Elsinore & From Satellite
  20. Poppies Obscured By Tall Weedy Grasses & 1st Rattlesnake Encounter In 2019
  21. The Summit Of Owens Peak Covered In Red Maids: A Stunning Little Wildflower
  22. Forelius mccooki: Little Ants That Defeat Massive Invasions By Argentine Ants
  23. Two Hills In San Marcos Have Same Name As Very High Peaks In Sierra Nevada
  24. Wilson Bentley's Marvelous Book Of Snowflakes Available From Dover Publications
  25. It's Crane Fly Season Again In San Diego County: They Are Not Mosquito Hawks!
  26. After Easter Sale On Cadbury Creme Eggs At My Local Ralphs Supermarket
  27. My Latest Noteworthy Ant On Owens Peak: A Honeypot Ant (Myrmecocystus)
  28. For The Past Few Nights I Have Been Seranaded By Great Horned Owls!
  29. Promiscuous Brodiaeas In San Marcos Vernal Pool Field: 2 Examples Of Hybrids
  30. 5 Massive Union Pacific Locomotives Heading East Through Tucson, Arizona
  31. Old Santa Fe 3751 Steam Locomotive On A Trestle Over San Elijo Lagoon
  32. New License Plate For New Mexico, The U.S. Chile Capital Of The World!
  33. Swarm Of Forelius mccooki: An Ant That Can Defeat Armies Of Argentine Ants
  34. Predatory Mite With "Popeye" Forelegs Found In Forelius mccooki Ant Midden
  35. My Latest House Guest: A Scary Little Spider Whose Exact Species ID Is Pending
  36. My Front Yard: Spring 2019 Has Been An Incredible Year For Flowering Plants!
  37. Interesting On-Line Descriptions For Design On This Spider In My Backyard
  38. An Entrance To Ant Nest Turned Out To Be Nest Of Metallic Green Sweat Bee!
  39. Another Striking Spider In My House That I Am Not Sure Of Its Exact Species ID
  40. June (2019): Scarlet Larkspurs Were Spectacular On Hills Above Palomar College
  41. Father's Day 2019: My Father In His Carpenter Shop, Arcadia, CA Circa Late 1950s
  42. Reviewed Wolffiella Manuscript For Adansonia (French Museum of Natural History)
  43. A Juvenile Cooper's Hawk With Down Feathers Has Discovered My Bird Feeder
  44. Warning: iPhone Screen Separated From Body Due To Swollen Lithium Battery!
  45. Giant Sequoias In The Sierra Nevada Of CA Are Truly Ancient Botanical Wonders
  46. Tehachapi Earthquake Of 1952 Was 90 X Stronger Than Ridgequest Quake Of 2019
  47. Huge Orb Weaver In My Yard Is So Heavy That She Tears Her Web When Moving!
  48. Multiple Digital Cameras That I Often Carry In My Belt Pouch & Or Around My Neck
  49. Wayne's Word Gee Whiz Notes About Wolffia microscopica May Be Used By BBC!
  50. Need To Be Ant Proctologist To ID This Small Ant Found In Sequoia National Park
  51. E-Mail From George Poinar, Amber Paleobiologist, Regarding Duckweed Flower
  52. Moon Over OSU When Neil Armstrong & Buzz Aldrin Walked On The Surface!
  53. Another Tribute To Armstrong & Aldrin Walking On The Moon 50 Years Ago!
  54. Summer 2019: My Backyard In Twin Oaks Valley Is A Haven For Orb Weavers
  55. A Most Interesting Tiny Insect Discovery On The Crushed Rock In My Backyard
  56. Its Monsoon Season In Our Southwest Desert Region: Avoid Desert Riverbeds
  57. Palisade Glacier, Southernmost Glacier In U.S., Receding Due To Warming Trend
  58. Another Orb Weaver With Intricate Web (cf. Neoscona crucifera) In My Backyard
  59. A Stunning Green Grasshopper Nymph At My Residence In Twin Oaks Valley
  60. Monarch Butterfly Caterpillars On Milkweeds At My Twin Oaks Valley Home
  61. Ant Survey On Burned San Diego Mesa: Lead Melted Out Of Old Military Bullet
  62. My Latest Obsession On This Planet Is To Find & Photograph Painted Grasshopper
  63. Avoid Swimming In Ponds Infested With Blue-Green Algae & Eating Locoweeds
  64. A Friendly, Curious Katydid On The Edge Of My Cereal Bowl This Morning
  65. Poppy Seed Bagels Are Delicious But Don't Eat One Prior To A Urine Drug Test
  66. Hunting For Females On A Busy Road Is Hazardous To A Male Taranantula
  67. California Has Some Interesting Wildflowers: See Botanical Record-Breakers
  68. The Walnut Has Several Botanical Names But Technically It Is Not A True Nut!
  69. Monsoonal Cloud Mass Over San Diego Desert: View From Twin Oaks Valley
  70. My "Verte" Fig Cultivar Is One Of The Most Delicious Figs I Have Ever Eaten
  71. Is The World's Largest Pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima) A Pumpkin Or Squash?
  72. Largest Flying Seed In Same Family As Largest Fruit (Pumpkin & Squash)!
  73. Twin Oaks Valley, San Marcos Has Interesting History With 2 Famous Brothers
  74. Another Photogenic Preying Mantis At The Top Of My Back Porch Lantana
  75. Grand Opening Of Edwin & Frances Hunter Arboretum At Palomar College
  76. Yellowjacket-Eating Mantis On My Hummingbird Feeder 6:00 AM 28 Oct. 2019
  77. Found Entrance Of Unusual, Inconspicuous Ant Species In Twin Oaks Valley
  78. Leftover Halloween Candy From 31 Oct 2019 + Link To Critique On Candy Corn
  79. Looking Up Through Last Night's Fog & Full "Frost Moon" Over Twin Oaks Valley
  80. Who Would Ever Expect To Find A Tiny Fungus-Farming Ant In Twin Oaks Valley
  81. A Vivid, Orange-Red, Crustose Rock Lichen At The Summit Of Owens Peak
  82. Wayne's Word Headquarters 9 Dec 2019: 14 Ant Species Found Along Fence!
  83. Vista Print 2020 Calendar Made Directly From Low Res Images On Wayne's Word
  84. Two Praying Mantids Are Living In My House During The Holiday Season Of 2019
  85. A Tiny Ant Look-Alike Wasp Visitor To Wayne's Word At The End Of Year 2019

   Year 2020 (Days 6940 - 7305 of the 3rd Millennium)   
  1. The Amazing Geocarpic Peanut: Flowering Above Ground & Fruiting Below
  2. Tiny, Primitive, Nonvascular Frillwort Found In Palomar College Arboretum
  3. In 50s & 60s Some Locomotives Had Aircraft-Type Gas Turbine (Jet) Engines!
  4. Airborne Spores Of Tiny Nonvascular Frillwort In Palomar College Arboretum
  5. Pomelo Showing Fluid-Filled Modified Hairs That Produce Juicy Citrus Fruits!
  6. Super Moon Dusk & Dawn Over My Twin Oaks Valley Neighborhood Feb 2020
  7. My Cluttered Office Of 9 Working Computers & 5 Microsoft Operating Systems
  8. Another Truly Remarkable Liverwort Discovery In Palomar College Arboretum
  9. Jurupa Mtns: A Fascinating Group Of Mountains In Riverside County, California
  10. Photographing Trains In Cajon Pass (20 Feb 2020): A Chain Of 11 Locomotives
  11. Discovery Of Rare Bottlewort (Sphaerocarpos drewiae) In Palomar Arboretum
  12. My Biggest Fear Living In Northern San Diego County During The Past 45 years
  13. Our Remarkable Immune System, Poison Oak & The Coronavirus (COVID-19)
  14. The Amazing Rains & Oxalis Flowers Of March-April 2020 In Twin Oaks Valley
  15. Super Moon Called "Pink Moon" Over Twin Oaks Valley (8 April 2020 10:30 PM)
  16. Amazing Number Of Native & Naturalized Flowers During Heavy Rains Of 2020
  17. Ant Wars In My Quiet Neighborhood In San Marcos, San Diego County, California
  18. Five Of The Most Notoriously Troublesome Ant Species According To BBC Earth
  19. What Caused The Red Coloring Of My Concrete Driveway In Twin Oaks Valley?
  20. Found A Big-Headed Beetle With Enormous Jaws In Twin Oaks Valley Ant Trap
  21. Sitting In My Pitch Dark Closet With Bioluminescent Jack-O-Lantern Mushroom
  22. Last Night's Cinco de Mayo Moon Taken Hand-Held With HX60 Pocket Camera
  23. Farewell To Super "Flower Moon" Taken Under My Pepper Tree This Morning
  24. Solving Perplexing Mystery Of Insect Excrement (Frass) In Neighbor's Bathroom
  25. To Survive Vital Social Isolation Of COVID-19 Pandemic I May Start Ant Colony
  26. Largest Stinging Insect: Japanese Hornet; Most Painful: Tropical American Ant
  27. May 19, 2020 View Of Venus In Western Sky Pushing Old iPhone 6 To Its Limits
  28. The Mulberry Is A Fascinating Tree With Delicious Fruits & The Source Of Silk
  29. The White Mtns: One Of My Favorite Places In California To Be Socially Isolated
  30. 15th Ant Species Caught In Trap Within A 20 Foot Radius In Twin Oaks Valley
  31. Found One Of My Favorite Desert Beetles At My Home In Twin Oaks Valley
  32. Wolf Spiders Are Protective Mothers And Carry Their Eggs & Babies With Them
  33. Figs & Their Wasps: The Most Amazing Relationship Between A Tree & An Insect
  34. Botany Terminology From 40 Years Of Teaching Comes In Handy For Tree ID!
  35. Tiny Mite In Twin Oaks Valley: Latest Record For Fastest Land Animal On Earth!
  36. Cooper's Hawk Summer School On The Roof Of My House In Twin Oaks Valley
  37. Bee Hawk Moth In My Yard When Neowise Comet Passed Over Twin Oaks Valley
  38. The Remarkable Mexican Jumping Bean & The Jumping Bean Moth Escape Artist
  39. Most Jumping Beans Are From Mainland Mexico, But This Shrub is Also In B.C.
  40. Neowise Comet July 2020 From Jet Plane At 43,000 ft. Over Central California
  41. I Compare # Of Files In Folders Between My Computers & Server By Hand Daily
  42. Vista Print 2021 Calendar Made Directly From Low Res Images On Wayne's Word
  43. 99 Million-Year-Old "Hell Ants" With Vertical Jaws Roamed Earth With Dinosaurs
  44. The Clever (Ingenius) Mechanism For Producing Seedless Triploid Watermelons
  45. Verte: The Most Delicious Parthenocarpic Fig Variety I have Ever Eaten!
  46. My Latest Acrobat Ant Collected By Pilot Captain Zach On Mtn. Top In Croatia
  47. Two Of The Most Delicious Fig Varieties Grown In California: Calimyrna & Verte
  48. Wayne's Word Super Fig Salad: With "Verte" Fig &15 Vegetables, Fruits & Nuts
  49. Petrified Figs From The Montana Badlands Now Classified As Extinct Palm Fruits
  50. A New Seedling Wayne's Word Fig: Offspring From Verte Var. That Grows Nearby
  51. The Most Green & Brown Mantids I Have Ever Seen In My Yard This August 2020
  52. An Undeveloped Vacant Field In My Neighborhood Has Vegetables This Summer
  53. #1 Cause Of Natural Wildfires In U.S. See Lightning Bolt Over Twin Oaks Valley
  54. Corn Moon & Mantid Photographed From My Home At Dawn 2 September 2020
  55. Red Sun Caused By Smoke Cloud From Japatul Valley Fire SE San Diego Co.
  56. Expanding Its Distribution: Found A Noble False Widow In Twin Oaks Valley
  57. Social Distancing With A Friendly Hammerhead Planarian In My Home Office
  58. Bright Red Setting Sun On Horizon Through Smoke Over Twin Oaks Valley
  59. Winged Male Velvet "Ant" (Wasp) Discovered In Twin Oaks Valley Sept. 2020
  60. Sunset Over Smoke-Filled Twin Oaks Valley From Cul de Sac Above My House
  61. One Of The Undisputed Smallest Introduced Ant Species In Califoria & Arizona
  62. The Sky On 1st Night Of October, 2020 Illuminated By A Bright Harvest Moon
  63. Latest Captain Zach Stem Ant (Pseudomyrmex) From Jekkyl Island, Georgia
  64. Neoscona Orb Weaver Spider & Mars Photographed In Pitch Dark Of My Backyard
  65. The Baja Cuesta Red Decorative Rock In My Yard Gives Off Bubbles In Vinegar
  66. World's Smallest Flowering Plant In Abeja Pond Northwest Of Palomar College
  67. Collected Another World's Smallest Flowering Plant (Wolffia) In Abeja Pond
  68. Happy Halloween 2020: Surprised By Large Jumping Spider Behind Address Sign
  69. I've Never Seen October 2020 Halloween Blue Moon & Mars In The Same Frame!
  70. Tonight's Halloween Mask Will Not Protect Against Viral Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)
  71. I Am Truly Stoked On Wolffia, Minute Plants With Microscopic Flowers & Fruits
  72. Variation & Hybridization In Chrysanthemums Produces Thousands Of Cultivars
  73. Frost Myth: The Leaves In My Yard Are Turning Bright Red Without Any Frost
  74. November 2020: Beautiful Skies Over Twin Oaks Valley With Moon & Planets!
  75. Most Important Discoveries In My Lifetime That Resulted In COVID-19 Vaccine
  76. Unforgettable Day: Communicating With An Orangutan At The San Diego Zoo
  77. PastBook: 350 Of My 800 Facebook Images In A 177 Page, Hard Cover Book
  78. A Strange Fungus Growing In The Crushed Rock At My Home In San Marcos
  79. Four Out Of 12 Facebook Images On My 2021 Calendar From Facebook
  80. Fast Moving Fire: Red Alert Winds 4,000 ft From My Home In Twin Oaks Valley
  81. Jupiter and Saturn Approaching Each Other On Night Of 17 December 2020
  82. Great Conjunction Of Jupiter & Saturn Over Twin Oaks Valley 21 December 2020
  83. I Learned Something New About Ants From My 2020 Toy Ant Christmas Present
  84. My Most Interesting & Memorable Image Uploaded To Facebook Notes In 2020
  85. During Sleep You Shed Millions Of Skin Cells That Are Eaten By Dust Mites!

   Year 2021 (Days 7306 - 7670 of the 3rd Millennium)   
  1. My 2021 New Year's Resolution: Find & Photograph The American Dewdrop Spider
  2. 3 Noteworthy Views (Events) From Cul-de-sac Near My Home In Twin Oaks Valley
  3. Attractive, Neurotoxic Mushroom Discovered Growing On Stump In My Front Yard
  4. Thinking About My Bright Red 48 Ford Convertible That I Restored In High School
  5. Repost Of The Long-Jawed Spider In My Patio With Face Like The Movie Predator
  6. My Backyard During Heavy Rains Of 29 Jan 2021. The Plants & Birds Are Happy
  7. Argentine Ants Living In My Bathroom Walls Leave Their dead Bodies In Midden
  8. A Remarkable Sphinx Moth With Color Pattern That Matches Military Camouflage!
  9. A Remarkable Sphinx Moth With Camouflage Pattern That Matches Military Jacket!
  10. My Latest House Guest At Wayne's Word: A House Centipede That Eats Silverfish!
  11. Testing My Magnet On San Marcos Gabbro & Las Posas Soils In Twin Oaks Valley
  12. Social Distancing At My Home: Testing Another Very Powerful Neodymium Magnet
  13. My Living Stromatolite Image Was Not Used In Nova PBS Special On Mars Landing
  14. Post-Burn Survey Of Comet Fire. CA Paeony Illustrates Theme Ashes To Wildflowers
  15. Tiny Thief Ant In Pitfall Trap Placed In Bridle Path At My Home In Twin Oaks Valley
  16. Many Beautiful Wildflowers On My Post-Burn Survey Of Palomar College Comet Fire
  17. 11 Years Have Passed Since I Took This Image Of Goldfields Near Lake Henshaw
  18. Last Night's Super Moon Was So Bright That The Clouds Appear To Go Behind It
  19. Happy 4th Of July 2021: Osteospermum Fireworks Display With Photoshop Filter!
  20. The Amazonian Ant Genus Dinoponera Includes One of The World's Largest Ants
  21. Ficus pseudocarica, Outstanding Male Caprifig: Source Of Pollen & Pollinator Wasps
  22. Tentative Wayne's Word 2022 Calendar From Images On The Wayne's Word Website
  23. Massacre In Walnut Grove Park: Forelius Ants Killed Thousands Of Native Fire Ants
  24. Bumper Crop Of Figs & Spectacular Catalpa x Desert Willow Hybrid At Wayne's Word
  25. A Large Assassin Bug Of The E. U.S. Reminded Me Of A Colorful Arizona Species
  26. Bought Ultrasonic Rodent Repeller On Amazon: It Doesn't Work On Ground Squirrels
  27. Movie On Beautiful Colombia Reminded Me Of Botanical Jewel Wolffia Columbiana
  28. Found "Fungus-Farming Ant" (Relative Of Tropical Leaf-Cutter) in Twin Oaks Valley
  29. Cooper's Hawk Hunting In Coastal Sage Scrub Behind My Home in Twin Oaks Valley
  30. Cooper's Hawk Standing On My Bird Feeder: It Is Not Interested in Costco Bird Seed!
  31. Wild Horses Watching Me Photograph Ant Nests In Scenic Lower Salt River, Arizona
  32. The Bug That Laid The Golden Eggs (Phyllomorpha laciniata) Sent To Me From Spain
  33. Look-Alike Pistol Replicas & Look-Alike Butterfly Species (Batesian/Mullerian Mimicry)
  34. Monarch Butterfly From Over 50 Years Ago & Comparison Link With Viceroy Co-Mimic
  35. "Blue Corn Moon" Sunday Night 22 Aug 2021: The 3rd Moon Of A Four Moon Summer
  36. Fig Harvest At Wayne's Word: 2nd Crop Of Delicious 'Verte' Variety Of Ficus carica
  37. Travelling Big-Headed Ant Found In Twin Oaks Valley In Elaine's Succulent Garden
  38. Morning Dew Drops On The Web Of A Funnel Weaver Spider In Twin Oaks Valley
  39. Another Wayne's Word Resident Mantis Hanging Out At Hummingbird Feeder
  40. A Male Mantid At Wayne's Word In Grave Danger Of Committing Sexual Suicide
  41. Copulation Between Pair Of Mantids On Pineapple Guava Tree At Wayne's Word
  42. Male Mantid Being Devoured By His Mate Following Lengthy Copulation Posture
  43. Sowbug Killer Spider In Threat Posture After Being Rescued From Ant Pitfall Trap
  44. Wayne's Word Is A Good Place For Female Mantids To Get Food & Find A Mate!
  45. Twin Oaks Valley Fall Wildflower Related To Widely Distributed Alaskan Fireweed
  46. Orange Hunter Moonset Over Twin Oaks Valley Behind My Neighbor's House
  47. Comparison Of Oct 21 Hunter Moonrise With Oct 20 Moonset Over Twin Oaks Valley
  48. Shipping Container Gridlock In LA Harbor: Transport To East By Long Freight Trains
  49. Resident Wayne's Word Cooper's Hawk Is Waiting For Me To Fill Up My Bird Feeder
  50. Strange Little Fungus Balls Found At Wayne's Word With A Surprising Identification
  51. I Identified Spider For Ladies In My Neighborhood & They Made Me Spider Cookies
  52. Central American Shrub Covered With Trichomes & Sometimes Called "Mala Mujer"
  53. I Always Remember My Father, US Navy Seabee, On Veterans Day & Memorial Day
  54. Wayne's Index To Remarkable Plants Of The Palomar College Campus & Arboretum
  55. Minute, Deceased Thief Ant & Random Grains Of Table Salt On My Electric Cooktop
  56. The Ancient Appearing Psilotum nudum Discovered On Palomar College Campus
  57. Fascinating Coyote Brush On Palomar College Campus & Local Coastal Sage Scrub
  58. Botanical Record-Breakers: Oldest Living Tree: Bristlecone Pine In White Mtns, CA
  59. Pokeweed (Also Known As Poke Salad) Grows In My Twin Oaks Valley Neighborhood
  60. 4 Dec 2021 4:30 AM: Praying Mantids Hatched From Their 2 Egg Cases In My House!
  61. A Tiny Fruit Fly & Argentine Ant Are Too Large For Baby Praying Mantid To Capture
  62. Another Baby Praying Mantid Escapee In My House Next To A U.S. Lincoln Penny
  63. Another Minute Thief Ant (Solenopsis molesta) In My House: Maybe A Nearby Nest
  64. 2 Citrus At Palomar College From Far East & Australian Rainforest With Unusual Fruits
  65. In Memory Of E.O. Wilson: Famous Naturalist & Evolutionary Biologist From Harvard.

   Year 2022 (Days 7671 - 8035 of the 3rd Millennium)   
  1. Remembering Fire Of Jan 2021 When Coastal Sage Scrub At Palomar College Burned
  2. Seeds On Alula Plants In Palomar College Polynesian Garden By Unknown Pollinator
  3. Wayne's Word Quiz & Couplet Dichotomous Key: How To Identify Covid19 Face Mask!
  4. Beads Made From Ostrich Egg Shells & Jan. 2022 Article In The Journal Nature
  5. Rosalin Franklin's Research Very Important To The Discovery Of DNA Double Helix
  6. Some Of My Best Images Of The 14,000 On Wayne's Word Were Taken With Film!
  7. Another Nikon Kodachrome Film Image Of San Diego Wildflower (Linanthus bellus)
  8. The Quest For Power & Territory By Irrational Dictators Resembles Behavior Of Ants!
  9. Colorful Rock Lichens On Monzogranite Boulders In The Palomar College Arboretum
  10. 3 Minute Species Of Ants With Workers Only 1 mm Long (= to 3 grains of table salt)
  11. Bush Mallow Domiant Fire-Follower One Year After The Comet Fire Of 14 Jan 2021
  12. Banana Fig: Another Fascinating Plant On The Beautiful Campus Of Palomar College
  13. Agave Weevil: An Attractive Black Beetle At Wayne's Word That Is An Invasive Pest
  14. Moreton Bay Fig In Palomar Arboretum Developing Stature Of Trees In Balboa Park!
  15. Another Unusual Insect Dropped Into My Pitfall Trap On Hill Near Palomar College
  16. Fine Mesh Garden Netting For Plants Is A Hazard For Helpless Beneficial Snakes
  17. Interesting Bister Beetle Image Sent To Wayne's Word From The Iberian Peninsula
  18. Some Bees Are Not Honey Bees: They Are Solitary Bees That Nest In Tunnels In Soil
  19. Many Colorful Flowers & Interesting Insects Live At The Wayne's Word Headquarters
  20. The Genus Wolffia (World's Smallest Flowering Plants) Contains My Favorite Plants
  21. Blood Moon (Total Lunar Eclipse) Images Over Twin Oaks Valley, San Diego County
  22. Late-Blooming Spring Wildflower In Dry Coastal Sage Scrub Near Palomar College
  23. When Hills N. Of Palomar College Turn Brown, "Farewell-To-Spring" In Full Bloom
  24. Colorful Little Rove Beetle From London Known To Cause Rash In Some Countries
  25. Screen Capture Of Hand-Coded HTML Table Comparing Several Genera Of Duckweeds
  26. Many New Additions & DNA Sequencing Name Changes On Plants Of Palomar College
  27. California Striped Racer Peering Out Of My Ivy In Its Elevated Head, Hunting Posture
  28. "I Should Never Have Tried To Capture That Beetle With Large Mandibles!"
  29. Bottle Trees (Brachychiton rupestris)) On The Campus Of Palomar College
  30. Happy Independence Day From The Patriotic Osteospermums At Wayne's Word
  31. 13 July 2022 Buck Supermoon & Rosuwa Solar Outdoor Lantern At Wayne's Word
  32. Last Night I Was Serenaded By A Native Male Oecanthus californicus Tree Cricket!
  33. My Silver Argiope Spider Missing 2 Legs On Right Side & Her Latest Male Suitor!
  34. Wayne's Word Gardens Are A Haven For Wild Animals During Hot Summer Of 2022
  35. Cook Pine: Fascinating Tree In Hawaii & S. CA With Habit Of Leaning Toward Equator
  36. Romance Between Two Fig Trees At Wayne's Word Has Resulted In New Fig Variety!
  37. Scholarly New Book About Figs Just Published: Some Images From Wayne's Word
  38. A Nutritious, Very High Fiber Fig Salad: You May Not Want Additional Main Entrée
  39. Sky Changes Rapidly & Drastically Over Twin Oaks Valley From Dusk To Darkness
  40. Weakened Honey Bees Will Perk Up & Fly Again With A Little Sugar Water Or Honey
  41. Rapidly Changing Monsoonal Cloud Formations Observed From Twin Oaks Valley
  42. My Latest Ant (Red Wood Ant) Sent To Me From Ant Lady Stephanie In Ronda, Spain
  43. So-Called "Petrified figs" From The Badlands Of E. Montana Are Palm Fruits NOT figs!
  44. Historical Note About The Interesting Mountains On East Border Of Twin Oaks Valley
  45. Tiny Wasp Native To Congo Region Of Central Africa In Pitfall Trap At Wayne's Word
  46. I Was Curious About The Ranking Of Candy Corn On Some Halloween Candy Surveys
  47. Finding Head Of A Major Worker May Help To ID The Species Of A Big-Headed Ant
  48. Full Moon 7 Dec. 2022: Lunar Eclipse (Occultation) Of Mars Seen From Fontana, CA
  49. Power Transmission Lines Through Housing Tracts Provide Habitat For Native Ants
  50. This Hippeastrum Bulb Gift Will Sprout & Flower On Your Table Without Any Care
  51. Fiery Clouds Over The Wayne's Word Headquarters At Dawn (27 December 2022)

   Year 2023 (Days 8036 - 8400 of the 3rd Millennium)   
  1. Difficult Jigsaw Puzzle Still Unfinished After 2 Family Parties Dec. 2022 - Jan. 2023
  2. Red Sky & Setting Moon West Of Twin Oaks Valley On Early Morning Of 7 Jan. 2023
  3. Wayne's Geologic Time Scale In HTML (Updated On Network Solutions 1 Jan. 2023)
  4. Trip With Professor R.J. Vogl To Glacier Nat. Park: Stromatolites In Geologic Time
  5. Unusual Marking On Abdomen Of A Lynx Spider: Does It Resemble A Dog Or Cat?
  6. View Of San Diego Harbor Through Window On 29th Floor Of Manchester Grand Hyatt
  7. P-38 Model Made Entirely From Bullets & Casings Of .30-06 & .50 Caliber Ammunition.
  8. Poppy Blooming Time Once Again Near Lake Elsinore. The Last Major Bloom Was 2019
  9. Large Coyote Running Down Backyard Steps At Wayne's Word: Hunting For Rabbits!
  10. We Have Ants Today In Tropical Regions Almost As Large As Fossil Ants On Wikipedia
  11. Some Animals Observed At Wayne's Word: There Are Many More Not Shown In Collage
  12. Color Vision In Humans Compared With Evolution Of Color Monitors From Monochrome
  13. Instant Insanity Puzzle: Four Colored Cubes & Mind-Boggling Number Of Arrangements
  14. South African Wildflower (Called "Wafe" In Jepson Manual) Appeared At Wayne's Word
  15. Hitchhiking Plants With Seeds & Fruits That Are Difficult To Remove From Your Socks!
  16. Playing Game Of Chance ("Left-Center-Right"), A Quarter With Bat Image Discovered
  17. Wayne's Word Poppies & Disclaimer For Misleading Google Labels About My Website
  18. A Black Soldier Fly Emerged From Its Pupal Case In My Office At Wayne's Word!
  19. More About Soldier Flies In Family Stratiomyidae: Longest Published Animal Name
  20. Remarkable Aboreal Ants Of The Genus Pseudomyrmex: One Of My Favorate Ants
  21. Little Black Ant That Can Survive Attacks By Invasive Argentine Ant Supercolonies
  22. Excessive Feeding Of Sugar Water By This Honeypot Ant Causes GasterTo Swell Up
  23. Homeowners Insurance For CA Residents Near Chaparral Areas May Not Be Renewed
  24. Coastal Sage Scrub Is A Beautiful CA Plant Community. Unfortunately It Is Endangered
  25. Driver Ant Queen From Deyrolle Natural History Store In Paris, Great Father's Day Gift!
  26. A Very Unusual, Minute Wasp Resembling An Ant With Grasping Claws On Front Legs
  27. 2 Interesting Insects Discovered At Wayne's Word in Twin Oaks Valley, San Diego Co.
  28. Tarweeds Are In Bloom Again Near Palomar College: A Remarkable Group Of CA Plants
  29. Tropical American Army Ant Soldier With Huge (Jaws) Mandibles Resembling Ice Tongs
  30. A Mexican Agave Producing Hundreds Of Tiny Baby Plantlets Along Its Tall Flower Stalk
  31. Gee-Whiz Numerical Facts About Ants: Biomass, Weight, Numbers Of Individulas, Etc.
  32. Clogged Meibomian Gland In Eyelid Can Cause Discomfort Like Something In Your Eye
  33. Western Conenose Bug: A Blood-Sucking True Bug That You Don't Want In Your Bed!
  34. Complex Fig Sexuality: My Male Tree Gave Birth To Baby Fig. Usually Females Do This
  35. Remarkable Sunset Reminded Me Of A Tropical Island Paradise From Many Years Ago
  36. Ingenious Orb Weaver Spider In Twin Oaks Valley: She Built Web Near A Light Source
  37. My Quest To Photograph The Rock Fig Of Sierra de la Giganta East Of Loreto, Baja, CA
  38. A Quick Way To Digitize 35mm Color Transparencies With A Camera or Smart Phone
  39. A Super Blue Moonrise Above Ridge Overlooking Twin Oaks Valley, San Marcos, CA
  40. Minute Insect In My Yard In Twin Oaks Valley: A Winged Psocid (Order Psocoptera)
  41. Two Large, Handsome Wasps With Painful Stings: I Think Bullet Ant Is More Painful!
  42. View Of Rocket Launch From Vandenberg Space Force Base, Santa Barbara County
  43. Mature Pollen & Wasp-Bearing "Fig" From Male Caprifig That Pollinate Female Trees
  44. Wayne's Word Area Where I Found My Latest Tiny Wasp With A Bright Red Abdomen
  45. The Beautiful Devil's Claw Wildflowers Are Once Again Blooming At Wayne's Word
  46. Some Interesting Images Of A Friendly Green Praying Mantis Living At Wayne's Word
  47. 'Calimyrna' Compared With 'Verte' Figs Grown At Wayne's Word In Twin Oaks Valley
  48. Unusual Number of Orb-Weaver Spiders At Wayne's Word: Late Summer & Fall 2023
  49. Large Huntsman Spider Trying to Enter Partially Opened Rear Door At Wayne's Word!
  50. At 10:00 PM, Large Black Spot On My Dimly-Lit Carpet Turned Out To Be This Creature
  51. Sexual Identity in the Common Fig (Ficus carica): Are Males Truly Hermaphroditic?
  52. Partial Eclipse Of Sun On 14 Day Of October 2023: Photographed At Palomar College
  53. Copulation Between Two Praying Mantids: It Turned Out NOT To Be Sexual Suicide!
  54. Wayne's Word Clock: No Need For Ridiculous Time Resets Every Fall and Spring!
  55. Having Lunch With Gravid Praying Mantis In My Backyard Before She Lays Her Eggs
  56. Potted Plants At Wayne's Word Infested With Fungus Gnates: So We Got Bug Zapper
  57. Views Of 2023 Thanksgiving Day Sunrise From Our Cruise Ship N. of Ensenada, Mex
  58. Harvester Ant From Crack In Walkway Where Our Cruise Ship Docked In Ensenada
  59. Pitfall Traps At Wayne's Word: I Never Know What Unusual Insect Guest Will Drop In
  60. Cardio Coincidence At Wayne's Word: Cardiologist, Cardiac Monitor & Cardiocondyla!
  61. Nutritious, Edible, Spiny Ants Of The Genus Polyrhachis From China & Asian Countries

   Year 2024 (Days 8401 - 8766 of the 3rd Millennium)   
  1. Happy New Year 2024 To All My Facebook Friends: Day 8401 Of The 3rd Millennium
  2. My Official 900th Facebook Trivia Note and East India Harvester Ant From ETSY.com
  3. Geologic Time Tables Often Use MYA (Millions of Years Ago) or BP (Before Present)
  4. An Unusual Rainbow Over My Neighborhood In Twin Oaks Valley Taken 20 Years Ago
  5. A Large, Non-Native Rat Nest Near Wayne's Word Headquarters In Twin Oaks Valley
  6. A Common Little Butterfly Around Homes & Gardens In Calif. During Summer & Fall
  7. Invasive Ants In Kenya Effecting The Predator-Prey Relationship Of Lions & Zebras
  8. How Invasive South American Fire Ant Colonies Spread During A Flood By Rafting
  9. The Very Rare Bottle Liverwort Occurs In The Coastal Sage Scrub At Palomar College
  10. Mt. Whitney In San Diego County: Easy Hike Compared With Sierra Nevada Mt. Whitney
  11. White-Lined Sphinx Moth After Emerging From Rain-Soaked Soil In Twin Oaks Valley
  12. San Marcos Mtns: Fascinating Range Bordering Twin Oaks Valley & Site Of Mt. Misery
  13. Searching For Ant Head Exoskeleton In Fontana On Day Of 8 April 2024 Solar Eclipse
  14. Bottle Peak Near Escondido: One Of My Many Plant ID Field Trips Many Years Ago
  15. Malva pseudolavatera: Correct Name For Misidentified Mallow In Twin Oaks Valley
  16. Malva parviflora In Twin Oaks Valley: Also Grows In Gaza & Is Eaten By Palestinians
  17. Two Species Of Burrowing Bees In Bridle Path At Wayne's Word In Twin Oaks Valley
  18. Temporary Bee Swarm At Wayne's Word Until Scout Bees Found Better Nesting Site
  19. Minute Spider In Pitfall Trap That Resembled An Ant Until I Saw It Under Magnification
  20. It Is Remarkable How Many Diverse Creatures Fall Into Pitfall Traps Near Your Home
  21. Estimated Number Of Minute Wasps is Probably Greater Than The Number Of Beetles
  22. Tower of Jewels (Echium wildpretii): Striking Subalpine Plant Native To Canary Islands
  23. Surprising Number Of Tiny Creatures Around Your Home: Ground Mantid On Hose Bibb
  24. My Old Remarkable Device That Got Me Through Math & Chemistry Before Calculators!
  25. I Can't Resist Checking Green Ponds For Minute Duckweeds; This One Had 3 Species
  26. I Discovered Why I Never See Live Ants Of This Species Around Their Nest Entrances
  27. Why I Am Especially Fond Of Big-Headed Ants: Ants I Played With As A Child In 1950s
  28. Happy 4th Of July From Staff At Wayne's Word On Unix Server At Network Solutions!
  29. My Research On CA Cypress & Serpentine Rock, Before My Duckweeds, Figs & Ants
  30. Another Image Of Serpentinite Outcrop, McNab Cypress & Serpentinization Reference
  31. Possibly The Rarest & Most Remarkable Insect I Ever Found During My Entire Career
  32. Wayne's Word Latest Rattlesnake Visitor (16 July 2024): Southern Pacific Rattlesnake
  33. A Truly Remarkable Hawk-moth With Transparent Wings That Mimics A Bumble Bee