Eastern Canada Sept-Oct 2017 Part 4
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Eastern Canada Sept-Oct 2017 Part 4
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Some Miscellaneous Images
Common Roadside Wildflower Between Toronto and Quebec City

New England aster (Aster novae-angeliae), also listed as Symphyotrichum novae-angeliae. This native wildflower was common along country roadside areas between Toronto amd Quebec City.

Updated 4 Ant Genera Image Between Toronto, Ottawa & Quebec City

I decided to improve my image of 4 ant genera between Toronto, Ottawa, and Quebec City. I placed my Nikon D-90 with macro lens extended on a Bausch & Lomb stereomicroscope stand. Lighting was from two studio lamps on either side without electronic flash. This effect produced a sharper image of the 4 ant specimens (red arrow) without hot spots or the annoying rings of a ring flash. In my humble opinion, there are 3 important factors for good macro images: (1) A good camera with close-up lens, (2) A good lighting system, and (3) Experience and/or knowledge of macrophotography. I would rate each of these at about 30 percent. For good on-line Internet images, you don't need the latest or most expensive camera.

Another image of the Lasius specimen I collected on this trip at Montmorency Falls near Quebec City. As I said on the Home Page, many species in the genus Lasius occur in the U.S. but I have never found this interesting species in my ant surveys of California & Arizona as of October 2017. It is a small ant similar to Formica but has a markedly different-shaped propodeum when observed in profile view. Maybe I walked right past their nests without noticing them.

  Techniques For Photographing Live Ants  

Union Station in Toronto (VIA Rail)

Views From Stern of ms Veendam Off Coast of Nova Scotia

One of the beautiful churches observed from the deck of ms Veendam as it moved along the scenic St. Lawrence River toward the Atlantic Ocean.

Sunset from the stern of ms Veendam after gorging myself with pastries on deck 11. I gained 10 pounds on this trip, but lost all of them with an unknown 'influenza" virus I picked up during the trip. So much for the flu vaccine I received at CVS last September. I do not recommend a flu virus as a treatment for unwanted weight gain.