Flower Pots 2008 (Part 2)
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Brodiaea Images Spring 2008: Part 2
Grown In Flower Pots In San Marcos, California
© W.P. Armstrong 15 May 2008
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All images on this page were taken with a Nikon D-40x and 60mm Micro Nikkor macro lens using a
Phoenix RF46N ring flash. The flower color for Brodiaea species on this page is blue-purple to violet.
I have attempted to match their natural color; however, they may appear different on your monitor.
Themidaceae: Brodiaea Family

Brodiaea orcuttii x B. filifolia (San Marcos)

This flower resembles an oversized Brodiaea orcuttii with an overall perianth length of 28-30 mm. During spring of 2008, the first flowers on this plant had no staminodes, followed by flowers with erect, filiform staminodes. See following two images.

  Potted B. orcuttii x B. filifolia Hybrid In 2007  

Potted Brodiaea orcuttii x B. filifolia (San Marcos) 2009

A. Brodiaea orcuttii x B. filifolia. B. Brodiaea orcuttii.

A. First flower to appear on potted B. orcuttii x B. filifolia hybrid in 2009. The above hybrid flower is without staminodes, typical of the first flowers of the season. Dimensions of hybrid are within the range of B. orcuttii (B); however, it has a slightly more spreading perianth. [Floral dimensions of well-watered potted plants are generally larger than wild plants, particularly during drought years.] During previous years, subsequent blooms developed filiform staminodes. See staminode on 2nd hybrid flower to open in May 2009 (next image).

A. Brodiaea orcuttii x B. filifolia.

Second flower to appear on potted B. orcuttii x B. filifolia hybrid in May 2009. Note the filiform staminode that typically characterizes this fertile hybrid.

Brodiaea orcuttii (San Marcos)

Brodiaea filifolia (San Marcos)

Brodiaea santarosae (Santa Rosa Plateau, Riverside County)

How Large is the Flower of Brodiaea santarosae?

A flower of Brodiaea santarosae compared with a U.S. penny (one cent). The perianth of B. santarosae in this image has a spread of 4.2 centimeters, more than twice the diameter of two pennies.

Comparison of Brodiaea flowers: A = B. santarosae, B = B. orcuttii x filifolia, C = B. orcuttii, D = B. filifolia. All flowers were taken from potted plants and placed on a light box on 5 June 2008. The perianth of B. santarosae in this image has a spread of 4 centimeters.

Comparison of potted Brodiaea santarosae from the Santa Rosa Plateau (A) with potted B. terrestris ssp. kernensis from Cuyamaca Lake. The B. santarosae plant is 76 cm tall, the tallest species of Brodiaea in southern California.

Potted brodiaeas photographed in San Marcos on 4 June 2009. The Brodiaea santarosae in distance towers above all the other species. It was also the last species to bloom.

Potted Brodiaea santarosae from the Santa Rosa Plateau (12 June 2009).

Potted Brodiaea santarosae from the Santa Rosa Plateau (22 June 2009). Sony H5.

Brodiaea terrestris ssp. kernensis x B. santarosae (Santa Rosa Plateau)
[This sterile, seedless hybrid typically has anther sacs that do not produce pollen.]

  Sterile Brodiaea Hybrid On The Santa Rosa Plateau (1)  
Sterile Brodiaea Hybrid On The Santa Rosa Plateau (2)

Brodiaea kinkiensis (San Clemente Island)

Brodiaea elegans ssp. elegans (Sierra Nevada)

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