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Index Of Cameras Used On Wayne's Word

Smart Phones vs. High Zoom Point & Shoot Cameras Like Sony HX-50

First of all, I must say that the image quality of smart phone cameras like Samsung & iPhones is getting better and better. They take remarkably good pictures with built in software. However, as of 25 December 2019 they still cannot compete with some point and shoot cameras with high quality movable lenses, particularly high zoom cameras like the Sony HX50 & HX60. Can your smart phone pick up craters on the moon or barely see the rings of saturn? I have taken some remakable images of distant animals that were invisible or barely visible to the naked eye. See Sony HX images (#10, #11 & #12 below). Of course, these images ideally require some time-consuming optimization with Photoshop. When it comes to SLR & mirroreless Nikon & Canon cameras with removable (interchangeable) lenses, they are in a league by themselves!

Wayne's Word Camera Images

  1. Nikon SLR Camera Pages
  2. Nikon Macro & Telephoto Lenses
  3. Macro Image Tecniques by WPA
  4. Sony T9 & T10 Mini Cameras
  5. Sony T9 Spider Images
  6. Tips For Sony T9 & T10 Users
  7. Sony DSC W-300 On Microscope
  8. Sony DSC TX5 Waterproof Camera
  9. Sony DSC HX9v Camera   
  10. Sony DSC HX20v Camera
  11. Sony DSC HX50v Camera
  12. Sony DSC HX60v Camera
  13. iPhone 6 Images & iPad
  14. iPhone 12 Images To Counter
    "Not Mobile Friendly Criticism"
         By Some Web Browsers

  15. UsoGood Trail Camera TC30

Disclaimer: Wayne's Word resided at Palomar College for the past 25 years; however, Palomar now uses Word Press and no longer supports static html web sites. As a public institution, Palomar websites must also be ADA compliant for students with disabilities. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) applies to state and local governments (Title II) and businesses that are open to the public (Title III). The vast majority of private websites are not ADA compliant.

Since Wayne's Word now resides on a case-sensitive UNIX server at Network Solutions, some image files need to be case-corrected in order to display. With 14,000+ images this takes a while! Wayne's Word loads quickly & displays fine on laptops & computer monitors. The text may be too small on smart phones, but images are excellent. It was originally designed for projection on classroom screens for my Biology & Botany classes at Palomar College & community lectures. It even loads & projects offline from an SD card or flash drive. It is especially useful for lecture presentations without internet connectivity. Although some web browsers state that my site is not mobile friendly, the following iPhone 12 images look pretty good in my humble opinion.

  Wayne's Word Page Displays On iPhone 12: See For Yourself  

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