Wayne's Remember When
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 © W.P. Armstrong 2019 

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Wayne's "Remember When" #1 (8 April 2014)

This was an indispensable tool back in the 1980s & 90s, especially in the days before hard drives. It made a notch in single-sided 5 1/4-inch floppy disks so that both sides could be used. You could simply turn the disk over and use the reverse side. With my Apple 2e, one side was a boot disk and the other side was a program disk. With this device I was on the cutting edge for at least 24 hours. Facebook Triva Index.

Wayne's "Remember When" #2 (8 April 2014)

My 1st word processor when I started teaching at Palomar College. It worked great, even during an electrical power shut-down. Legal-sized, horizontal forms and correcting mistakes were two major problems! Remember When Index.

Wayne's "Remember When" #3 (9 April 2014)

Remember When: This portable scientific calculator does not require batteries and is accurate to at least 3 significant figures. Remember When Index.

Wayne's "Remember When" #4 (12 April 2014)

Remember When: An old "Red Car" (Pacific Electric Railroad), the original mass transit system for Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside & San Bernardino Counties. They were phased out by the late 1950s. Remember When Index.

Wayne's "Remember When" #5 (14 April 2014)

Remember When: Loading my old film camera with Kodachrome 64. It may be antiquated, but the quality of scanned images still rivals the best digital cameras:
 See my FM-2 scanned 35 mm transparencies:   Film 1     Film 2 

Wayne's "Remember When" #6 (16 April 2014)

Remember When: Lead cylinders to protect rolls of film from airport x-ray machines. I carried a half dozen of these plus a large lead bag containing a brick (20 rolls) of Kodachrome. With all my camera equipment, my carry-on luggage was really heavy!

Wayne's "Remember When" #7 (19 April 2014)

Remember When: I once stored many thousands of computer programs, images & data files on these media. Now they easily fit on a single MicroSD card smaller than a penny (red arrows). The total capacity for all the old media in picture is less than 10 Gigabytes. The tiny MicroSD stores 32 GB!

Wayne's "Remember When" #8 (19 May 2014)

Remember When: During my career at Palomar College, all of my audio recording media & formats (vinyl records, compact cassettes, CDs, DVDs, etc.) were eventually replaced with MP3 files on a USB Flash Drive and MicroSD card smaller than my finger nail.

Wayne's "Remember When" #9 (24 May 2014)

Remember When: I took this picture of a coast horned lizard 32 years ago in a field near Palomar College. Because of urbanization and the elimination of its diet of native harvester ants by the Argentine ant, it is now extinct in 45% of its original range in southern California.

Wayne's "Remember When" #10 (25 May 2014)

Remember When: During the 1960s and 70s there were burrowing owls nesting in the open fields around Palomar College. In fact, I used one for the cover illustration of my biology lab manual.

Wayne's "Remember When" #11 (26 August 2014)

Remember When: These obsolete 51/4" tutorial diskettes were once used by Palomar College students in the Library Learning Center. They required an Apple II and/or PC computer with a 51/4" floppy drive. I was once on the cutting edge with my Apple IIGS for one month before Macs took over the market.

Wayne's "Remember When" #12 (8 December 2014)

Remember When: I was weaned on Apple IIe computers and Appleworks back in the late 1980s. Then Superworks came out--a lightning fast MsDos version of Appleworks for PCs. This is the primary reason I accepted PCs into my life and did not progress to Mac! I used this powerful program during my entire career at Palomar College. I knew of only one other person who used this remarkable program, my dear colleague Diane Reeder Dellner.

Wayne's "Remember When" #13 (27 March 2015)

Remember When: Old soft drink bottles on shelf at Fair Oaks Pharmacy & Soda Fountain in South Pasadena. From left: Bireley's*, Nehi, Orange Crush, Squirt, Coca-Cola and 7-Up. Other old soft drinks include Royal Crown Cola, Dr Pepper, and Delaware Punch. This historic landmark has been at this location since 1915. * Note: I added Bireley's to the image because it was my favorite noncarbonated beverage as a child.

Historic Fair Oaks Pharmacy & Soda Fountain in South Pasadena.

Wayne's "Remember When" #14 (5 April 2015)

Do you remember the wigwag (pendulum-type) railroad crossing signals? Photographed at the
           Tehachapi Railroad Museum (5 April 2015).

Wayne's "Remember When" #15 (10 May 2015)

1950s candy purchased in Palm Springs: I can't believe I actually ate this stuff!

Wayne's "Remember When" #16 (14 May 2015)

Wayne's "Remember When" #17 (18 March 2016)

Wood-burning stove used by the station agent of historic Santa Anita Train Depot, circa early 1900s. Trivia question: What was the device (white arrow) on stove top used for? Hint: Modern versions of it require electricity.

The historic Santa Anita Train Depot is now located at the Los Angeles County Arboretum, Arcadia, CA. It was constructed in the 1890s by Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad on its transcontinental main line. For many decades it was located along the RR tracks on Colorado Blvd. just north of the Arboretum.

Wayne's "Remember When" #18 (10 April 2016)

Remember When: A glass car from the 1940s. It was once filled with candy!

Wayne's "Remember When" #19 (11 April 2016)

About 30 years ago, one of my students presented me with a Magical Seed From India: A bright red Circassian seed containing 12 tiny carved elephants. Over the years I have received numerous letters and e-mail messages about these seeds, including a woman from Pakistan with a seed containing 73 elephants! Has anyone ever seen or owned one of these seeds? For more information: See Wayne's Word article about Circassian Seeds.

Wayne's "Remember When" #20 (12 April 2016)

How about 12 different animals inside a Circassian seed instead of 12 elephants. Do I still get 12 wishes? Image from one of the many messages I have received from people across the planet. The pin head is 1.5 mm in diameter. See Wayne's Word article about Circassian Seeds.

Wayne's "Remember When" #21 (24 April 2016)

This wonderful, old comic book was my most prized possession back in 1949. It might have contributed (in part) to my interest in natural history. In fact, I always wanted to find a bird that layed square (cubic) eggs! More Information About This Story & Its Author Carl Barks

Wayne's "Remember When" #22 (14 June 2016)

When I started my career at Palomar College in the 1960s I got my navigation bearings with a Brunton Compass. Now I use an app on my iPhone! iPhone GPS App Compared With Garmin Etrex.

Wayne's "Remember When" #23 (5 August 2016)

Remember When: My 1st digital camera in the late 1990s that saved images to 3.5 in.diskettes. I took thousands of images saved on literally hundreds of diskettes!

Wayne's "Remember When" #24 (27 August 2016)

Add a drop of anti-A antibodies (left) to blood drop A
Add drop of anti-B antibodies (right) to blood drop B

See If Blood Drops A & B Are Clumped By Anti-A & Anti-B Antibodies
[The Phenotype Percentages Are Based On The U.S. Population]

Type O (45%): No clumping
in blood drops A or B
   Type A (42%): Clumping in blood
drop A with anti-A antibodies
Type B (10%): Clumping in blood
drop B with anti-B antibodies
Type AB (3%): Clumping in both
blood drops A and B

Do people still use animated gif images? I made many of these to explain various biological phenonmena, from spinning, airborne seeds to typing blood. I'm sure today there are much more advanced ways to illustrate motion.

Wayne's "Remember When" #25 (14 September 2016)

Remember When: Some of my storage devices and cables that became obsolete during the past 2 decades. I still have the computers these were connected to!