Glendive Montana Trip #5
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Glendive, Montana Road Trip #5
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Part 5: Suset At Flathead Lake & National Bison Range
© W.P. Armstrong 1 October 2011

Table Of Contents

  1. Sunrise & Sunsets At Flathead Lake
  2. The National Bison Range In Montana
  3. Petrified Oak Block With Cellular Detail

1. Sunrise & Sunsets At Flathead Lake, Montana

2. National Bison Range (Ninepipe Wildlife Refuge)
   (Bison, Pronghorn Antelope & Whitetail Deer)

This is probably the crustose rock lichen Rhizocarpon geographicum.

3. Petrified Oak Block With Remarkable Cellular Detail

This remarkable permineralized (petrified) block of oak has cellular detail as good as a freshly cut piece. It was purchased at Junction Rock Shop at Columbia Falls, Montana on Hwy 2 near West Glacier.

Cross section showing large, dark, water-conducting cells called vessel elements. A series of vessel elements joined end-to-end is called a vessel. The fine, white, vertical lines are rays.

Radial section cut through parallel, dark bands of water-conducting cells called vessel elements.