Sequoia NP June 2019 (Part 5)

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Sequoia National Park Road Trip June 2019 (Part 5)

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Marble Caves In Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Parks
The following image shows how a piece of limestone (marble is metamorphosed limestone). Both limestone & marble are composed of calcium carbonate and dissolve in a weak acid solution of water or vinegar. Calcium in acidic, dripping water precipitates (recrystallizes) forming stalactites from ceiling and stalagmites on floor of cave. The limestone is from my mountain property near Wrightwood, CA

I placed a fragment of limestone (calcium carbonate) in a container of vinegar (acetic acid). Under a dissecting microscope tiny bubbles of CO2 began rising from the rock surface as the limestone slowly dissolves. Marble is metamorphosed limestone that also slowly dissolves forming the spectacular stalactites in Crystal & Boyden Caves, Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Parks.

Glistening marble at mouth of Crystal Cave.

Calif. Nutmeg (Torreya californica) at mouth of Crystal Cave.

Stalactites In Boyden Cave

Stalactites In Crystal Cave

Plants I've Never Seen Before Along Path To Crystal Cave

White-flowered Ithuriel's Spear (Tretela laxa). Themidaceae

Draperia (Draperia systyla). Hydrophyllaceae = Boraginaceae

Twining brodiaea (Dichelostemma volubile). Themidaceae

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