Pinyon Mtn & Cool Canyon
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San Felipe Valley, Cool Canyon & Pinyon Mountain

© W.P. Armstrong 29 March 2008

San Felipe Valley

Lamiaceae: Salvia carduacea (Thistle Sage)

Polemoniaceae: Loeseliastrum schottii (Langlosia)

Cool Canyon

Solanaceae: Lycium cooperi (Desert Thorn)

Rosaceae: Prunus fremontii (Desert Apricot)

Cactaceae: Echinocereus engelmannii (Hedgehog Cactus)
Two slightly different exposures taken with Sony T-9 and T-10.

Verrucariaceae: Dermatocarpon americanum (Stippleback Lichen)

Note: This leathery, foliose lichen is attached to the substrate by an umbilicus like rock tripes of the genus Umbilicaria; however, unlike Umbilicaria, it belongs to an entirely different family that is characterized by perithecia rather than apothecia. In fact, the numerous sunken perithecia appear like tiny black dots on the upper surface of the thallus. This species is listed as D. miniatum in some references.

Numerous sunken perithecia appear like tiny black dots on the thallus (insert).

  See Diagram Of A Perithecium  
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Pinyon Mountain

Nolinaceae: Nolina bigelovii (Bigelow's Bear-Grass)

Polemoniaceae: Loeseliastrum schottii (Langlosia)

Pteridaceae: Cheilanthes covillei and C. viscida (Lip Ferns)

Lip Ferns: Cheilanthes viscida (dark green) and C. covillei (lighter green).

Asteraceae: Eriophyllum wallacei (Wallace's Wooly Daisy)

Asteraceae: Layia glandulosa (White Layia)

Cactaceae: Opuntia chlorotica (Pancake Prickly-Pear)

Rosaceae: Coleogyne ramosissima (Black Brush)

Anacardiaceae: Rhus trilobata var. simplicifolia (Basket Bush)

Fabaceae: Astragalus pachypus var. pachypus (Locoweed)

  More Images Of Southern California Beetles  

Fabaceae: Lupinus excubitus var. austromontanus (Grape Soda Lupine)

Little Blair Valley

Fabaceae: Hoffmannseggia glauca (Pig Nut or Hog Potato)

San Pasqual Valley

Asteraceae: Oncosiphon piluliferum (Globe Camomile)

This South African species is a recently introduced weedy annual in San Diego County. It was cultivated at the Desert Botanical Garden in Phoenix and the Boyce-Thompson Arboretum. By 2005 it apparently escaped from cultivation in Arizona and is now crowding out native species as it spreads across the state. As of spring 2008 it has been documented growing in abundace along 5 miles of I-17 north of Phoenix, spreading 3/4 of a mile into the desert on both sides of the Interstate. According to T. Chester, it was first reported in the U.S. in Riverside County, California by Andy Sanders in 1996. It forms very dense, massive populations that choke out native wildflowers. The common name "stinkweed" refers to its strong odor from sesquiterpene lactones.

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