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Disclaimer: Wayne's Word resided at Palomar College for the past 25 years; however, Palomar now uses Word Press and no longer supports static html web sites. As a public institution, Palomar websites must also be ADA compliant for students with disabilities. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) applies to state and local governments (Title II) and businesses that are open to the public (Title III). The vast majority of private websites are not ADA compliant.

Since Wayne's Word now resides on a case-sensitive UNIX server at Network Solutions, some image files need to be case-corrected in order to display. With 14,000+ images this takes a while! Wayne's Word loads quickly & displays fine on laptops & computer monitors. The text may be too small on smart phones, but images are excellent. It was originally designed for projection on classroom screens for my Biology & Botany classes at Palomar College & community lectures. It even loads & projects offline from an SD card or flash drive. It is especially useful for lecture presentations without internet connectivity.

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  New URL As Of 1 January 2023 (Day 8036 of 3rd Millennium):
Wayne's Word is a static, purely informative, html website about biological topics from my 40 year teaching career in the Life Science Dept. at Palomar College. It is an "Online Textbook of Natural History" containing over 1600 html files and 14,000 images. It was hand-coded using a source code editor called Arachnophilia written in Java by Paul Lutus. W.P. Armstrong, 17 Dec. 2022.
QR code for hand-coded HTML codon chart created with Arachnophilia
    Index Of Cameras Used On Wayne's Word Website       Macro Image Techniques By W.P. Armstrong    

Wayne's Word has evolved into a very diverse biological/botanical website. It was a monumental task updating all the information and species identifications. Consequently, I have relied heavily on experts in specialized fields for their generous help. Special thanks to all of those who have peer-reviewd my material and offered suggestions.
  W.P. Armstrong Peer Review & Correspondence  
  World Flora Online  
My On-Line Classes, Plants & People (Botany 115) & General Biology Lecture (Biology 101), Are No Longer Offered Since U. of Hawaii On-Line Testing Program Is No Longer Supported.

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  Southern California Wildflowers Photographed With Kodachrome
  Sample Of Plant & Animal Images Used In Wayne's Word Articles

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Publication Updates For Wayne's Word & Lemnaceae On-line:
All of the articles are authored by Wayne P. Armstrong
  Update By WPA for 1 September 2024 (Day 8645 of the 3rd Millennium)
     [3rd Millennium & 21st Century Actually Began On January 1, 2001]
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Wolffia: Wayne's Word Undisputed Favorite Flowering Plant Genus
  3 Minute Wolffia Species: World's Smallest Flowering Plants:  
  Go Directly To Wolffia: The World's Smallest Flowering Plants  
A Record-Breaking Mite At Walnut Grove Park In
Twin Oaks Valley, City Of San Marcos, California
  The Mite Paratarsotomus macropalpis: World's Fastest Land Animal  
  What Is The Fastest Moving Body Appendage Of Any Animal?  
As of November 2021, Wayne's Word occupied 10 folders and contained approximately 1700 html
files and 14,000 images. The entire website fits on a 4 GB SD card with almost 2 GBs of free space!

The WAYNE'S WORD® Copyright Policy

See R.I.G.H.T.S. Summary of Copyright Rules

All photo images & illustrations are copyright protected by encrypted watermarks and/or archival original 35 mm color transparencies plus cloud based digital storage. The name Wayne's Word is registered with the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office.

Wayne's Word contains a large range of complex biological topics that I have tried to simplify and yet maintain accuracy. It is imperative to make certain errors are not perpetuated on the Internet. One case in point is the "coconut pearl," a so-called rare "gem" that has appeared in many references and even scholarly textbooks for decades. In 2005 I exposed this as a fraud. Authority on Malaysian flora, Dr. J.F. Veldkamp of the National Herbarium, the Netherlands, came to the same conclusion in 2008. Please refer to following link.

Authenticity Of Coconut Pearl Uncovered 
  Wayne's Peer Review & Correspondence  
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Due To The Overwhelming Number Of Messages Sent To Wayne's Word, and
With A Minimal Staff Of Only One Human, Replies May Not Be Forthcoming.

Editor............... MR. WOLFFIA      

llustrator..... Elaine Armstrong

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     Archived Wayne's Word Pages At Archive.Com Dating Back To December 2009
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Images on this page: Poison dart frog (Dendrobates pumilio), ten-lined june beetle (Polyphylla decemlineata), blue morpho butterfly (Morpho menelaus), western sheepmoth (Hemileuca eglanterina), & jumping spider (Phidippus johnsoni). The ant is Myrmecocystus mexicanus from Holbrook, Arizona, although it is very similar to M. navajo. The 35mm color transparencies are silver sword (Argyroxiphium sandwicence ssp. macrocephalum) in Haleakala Crater, Maui; chocolate lily (Fritillara biflora) in San Marcos, CA before it became housing tract; lighting strike in Twin Oaks Valley captured with time exposure using Nikon SLR on tripod.