Coyote Creek 3
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Coyote Creek 3
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© W.P. Armstrong 12 April 2010

Boulder Alley, Collins Valley & Sheep Canyon

Near Summit Of Boulder Alley Road

An unfortunate Toyota truck (red arrow) being towed down Boulder Alley by a Landrover Discovery and a Hummer (H1). On its descent down the steep grade, the Toyota truck rolled over. Luckily the driver was not injured (at least physically). The truck and nearby creosote bush (Larrea tridentata) sustained considerable damage.

Boraginaceae: Cryptantha utahensis (Scented Forget-Me-Not)

Cryptantha utahensis at boulder alley above the third crossing.

See Cryptantha barbigera
    See Cryptantha ganderi (1)    
See Cryptantha ganderi (2)
See Cryptantha pterocarya
See Cryptantha nevadensis

Polemoniaceae: Langloisia setosissima ssp. setosissima (Bristly Langloisia)

 Langloisia setosissima ssp. setosissima in South Palm Wash 

Polemoniaceae: Eriastrum diffusum (Miniature Woolly-Star)

Between Boulder Alley & Collins Valley

Solanaceae: Lycium fremontii (Fremont's Desert Thorn)

 See Lycium andersonii in Butler Canyon 

Collins Valley En Route To Sheep Canyon

Sheep Canyon and "Square Top Mountain" in the distance. .

Bedrock grinding stone. Author's pen recovered from previous visit.

Ephedraceae: Ephedra californica (California Ephedra)

A large, old California ephedra (Ephedra californica) in Collins Valley.

Seed cones of female Ephedra californica.

Red About Welwitschia & Ephedra
 Parallel Evolution of Vessels In Ephedra 

Asclepiadaceae (Apocynaceae): Sarcostemma cynanchoides ssp. hartwegii (Climbing Milkweed)

Ranunculaceae: Delphinium parishii ssp. subglobosum (Desert Larkspur)

Papaveraceae: Argemone munita (Prickly Poppy)

Prickly poppy (Argemone munita) and ornate checkered beetle (Trichodes ornatus). .

Asteraceae: Eriophyllum wallacei (Wallace's Woolly Daisy)

Crassulaceae: Dudleya saxosa ssp. aloides (Panamint Dudleya)

Cactaceae: Echinocereus engelmannii (Hedgehog Cactus)

Rosaceae: Prunus fremontii (Desert Apricot)

Crustose Rock Lichens: Caloplaca (Red) & Acarospora (Chartreuse)

High altitude lenticular cloud over Anza-Borrego Desert.

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